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This message was self-deleted by its author (BumRushDaShow) on Fri Dec 13, 2024, 11:01 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(60,787 posts)What could go wrong?
(7,561 posts)There were bank failures galore yet no one lost anything because of the FDIC which itself almost went broke paying all the claims.
(60,787 posts)One set of grandparents lost everything and never recovered.
(12,912 posts)Biggest heist in world history.
Wake the F up. They are backing up the truck.
Its the MONEY stupid.
William Seger
(11,149 posts)... with political destruction if they defy the Burger King's agenda.
(145,168 posts)when their emperor crashes the economy.
(34,843 posts)time to withdraw and keep your cash safe.
(13,680 posts)whatever the hell that is. The dollar's going bye, bye.
(34,843 posts)Karma13612
(4,716 posts)In a safe.
I just took the very bold step ( a week or so after the election) of moving my 401K from its target date stock into a money market fund. So now, I just hope I get a bit from interest each month. At least no more stock market volatility making me sick to my stomach.
Are we saying now that I should actually pull it out completely and take a huge tax penalty and stick into a safe? Im not going to start buying property or Gold at 70. I dont have the knowledge or desire to tie up what little money I have in those instruments.
The news is just getting worse. It isnt just one safety net and safe guard, its all of them.
What do they expect people to do? I cant keep altering my life to accommodate every fcked up policy and pipe dream this narcissist and his cabinet of criminals is scheming up.
Im afraid of (in no particular order):
1. Losing Medicare
2. Losing Social Security
3. Losing my savings and 401K due to lax banking regs and market instability.
4. Getting sick from lack of vaccines for myself or from others infecting me
5. Living in an increasingly dangerous world with domestic armed militia taking matters into their own hands.
6. LE officers who dont want to enforce laws and instead make up their own.
7. Being unable to afford basic food.
I know there is plenty of other things to worry about, but my 70 year old brain is pretty much fried right now.
(34,843 posts)I trust no one.
I really don't know what to suggest - I have the same fears as you. Maybe invest overseas?? That's all I can come up with. They are going to try to take everything. I don't think that's an exaggeration.
Prairie Gates
(3,661 posts)They don't "believe in" banks. On the blockchain, everybody! NOW!
Or else.
(145,168 posts)But we know they are stark raving mad.
ETA - I literally just saw this - Rolling blackouts plague Iran and some suspect bitcoin mining may have a role in the outages
Historic NY
(38,189 posts)Historic NY
(38,189 posts)Recommendation Folgers plastic. I could see a run on banks again. Ah the good old days.
(51,740 posts)IronLionZion
(47,308 posts)who doesn't enjoy some nice bank failures with no deposit insurance? You commies don't understand greatness.
(3,326 posts)OP notes that POTUS alone can't create or destroy departments or agencies. But,
1. POTUS can dictate how those agencies run. He can't shut them down and close the offices. But, he can issue orders and directives that all but nullify the day to day operations of these agencies. He could order all personnel to come to work on time, get paid, and do nothing but play Tiddlywinks all day. He also has powers, in some cases, to re-balance the make-up of certain panels from majority Dem to majority 'Pub either alone, or by issuing orders to his congressional minions.
2. Repubs now own both the House and the Senate, and Trump owns the Repubs. It would be easy for them to pass quickie legislation to eliminate or re-focus the missions and mandates of these departments.
Make no mistake. Trump and compliant Republican legislators and judges are on the verge of remaking the entire federal bureaucracy into permanent conservative administration of the federal government. The people will have to adapt or rebel. Since rebelling would take the form of massive voting for Democrats in the next two elections to right the ship and bulletproof it against further hyper-partisan tampering, I'm not hopeful for America's future. The last election showed that voters are too apathetic (won't vote) and too stupid (willing to be conned by disinformation) to get the Democratic sweep we'd need to fix this.
I have little hope that we'll be able to fix this huge backward lurch in my lifetime.
(36,186 posts)Cash had so little value and it decreased EVERY DAY.
You got paid on Friday and by Monday your paycheck was worthless.
Is THAT what the Repukes want to go back to?
This is the definition of insanity.