'It'll Be Brutal': Inside Trump's Planned War on Leakers and the Press
Source: Rolling Stone
In reporting this story, Rolling Stone spoke with attorneys close to the president-elect, incoming Trump administration officials, and other Republicans whove talked to Trump about staunching embarrassing press leaks during a second administration. Two of the sources with knowledge of the matter specifically cited the Dec. 1 subpoena as a model, and something that Trump allies and lieutenants are expecting to issue more of during the second term this time, with the benefit of years, not days.
Oh, itll be brutal, says one conservative lawyer whos discussed certain plans and ideas with Trump and his inner circle. Gloves off [because] weve learned our lessons from the first time and one lesson is you have got to be even more aggressive.
Among committed Trumpists close to the president-elect, there has also been discussion of potentially creating new offices in the FBI or DOJ to focus exclusively on hunting for leaks and plugging the deluge of media leaks. In the summer of 2017, Trumps first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, mentioned that the FBI had formed a new unit to deal with leaks, including of classified info. Sessions also announced that the Trump administration had tripled the number of criminal leak investigations in the time since President Barack Obama left office.
The sources close to Trump add that non-government actors will be integral to their plans for combatting who they deem overly meddlesome reporters. Multiple sources say that as sitting president, Trump still intends to have his small armada of personal lawyers who arent working in the administration handle his (often frivolous) lawsuits or, more often than not, enraged legal threats that dont result in suits against media outlets that cross him during a new term.
Read more: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-war-press-media-leaks-1235202909/
Much more at the link.
Dennis Donovan
(28,025 posts)highplainsdem
(53,041 posts)NotHardly
(1,446 posts)To quote some idiot, "Gonna be wild."
(6,196 posts).... they can actually do? I guess they could fire the leaker, but it isn't a crime to publish leaked information, is it?
Mike 03
(17,637 posts)where dozens of books citing sources inside the administration were published, many of which proved so embarrassing, starting with "Fire and Fury" and progressing on to the books by Carol Leonnig, Phil Rucker, "Anonymous," Bob Woodward. Although, to be fair, Trump's own interviews with Woodward were among the most destructive "leaks" to come out of those horrible four years.
I have to laugh, though, because it's obvious that Lindsey Graham is one of Woodward's main sources.
They could be fired, but the could also find themselves victims of frivolous civil lawsuits that can destroy people who are not multi-millionaires, and if they mobilize ultra-MAGAs against individuals suspected of leaking it could turn their lives into a living hell. So I expect we'll be reading fewer books about the second Trump term. I imagine it would also have a chilling effect on whistleblowers generally and people who, in the future, might be called upon for depositions or testimony about Trump's wrongdoings.
(6,196 posts)... and maybe a bit to gain.
One strategy would be to point out that they are using LEO resources that should be used for "real crimes".
(34,941 posts)LudwigPastorius
(11,259 posts)...the surveillance bureau of the fascist government in Alan Moore's V for Vendetta.
Every Democrat in government, elected or hired, can expect all of their communications to be monitored by the Trump regime.
(16,372 posts)is that everyone surrounding Trump is out for themselves to be his number 1 advisor. That means knives are out and the only way to kill your opponents is to talk to the media with all the dirt you can muster on everyone else.
Further, none of Trump's toadies can shut up.