Insurance company denies covering cost of life-saving medicine for metro woman
Source: Fox4KC
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City denied covering the cost of one metro womans medicine that she says could save her life, leaving her with an over $8,000 monthly bill.
I was at risk for spontaneous internal bleeding that could kill me, Kaitlyn Sy said.
Sy, a KU Medical student, said shes fighting back just weeks after a near death experience.
Just weeks ago, this scenario played itself out, Sy was forced to go to the ER to treat internal bleeding. Her hematologist had one more option, a pill called Promacta, that could stabilize this issue. Things changed when Sy got to the pharmacy.
The pharmacy tech her eyebrows go up and I said this cant be good and she says this medication is going to cost you over $8,000, Sy said.
Sy said she cant afford to pay the bill every month. She called her insurance company, and they stood by the denial.
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Blues Heron
(6,549 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)Oh wait, its okay when rich whites kill you.
(8,283 posts)Then tell em to fuck off,we're denying this drug that could save your life. They don't care,they made thousands off of this person and now they are not about to lose it over an expensive drug.
BTW,these drug companies couldn't give a rats ass about the high price of drugs. It just gives them an excuse to deny coverage on the sickest people.
speak easy
(11,267 posts)That cuts two ways: The real issue across the board is price gouging by big pharma.
(1,906 posts)... NOT classified as homicide? Premeditation, malicious intent, and ruthless execution are documented daily by greedy psychopaths, and they are paid bonuses.
Explain it to me like I'm 5.
(11,353 posts)and if they were honest, they would have to say "...but Greed is Good."
I think they read it as "Greed is God."
(1,456 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,496 posts)A Fani Willis is needed to find out.
(48,013 posts)human sacrifices must be made so rich people can get richer.
(1,906 posts)... "Our first obligation is to our stockholders." To which I reply, your first obligation should be to act as a decent human being, a task at which you have, thus far, failed miserably.
The proverbial substance is about to hit your fan with a resounding splat. As they say, FAFO, motherfuckers.
(275 posts)by statue that all insurance 'providers' are classified as non profit entities and delist from stock market. Remove all denial authority from them. They are merely the vessel to pass through payments. Allow them to set up small boutique for profit entities for private insurance that they have full control over but cannot be taken full public. Open up Medicare/Medicaid with some restrictions to make it competitive. Basically create something akin to the German system. Multi-payer with competition. It's also time to put some of our resources to use for the people of this country. I am not a fan of nationalization per se, but there is oil, timber, and other resources on federal land that can be monetized in a wise manner to create a sovereign wealth fund to pay for the citizens of this country to have a way to pay for healthcare.
(48,013 posts)and privatize Medicare/Medicaid and everything else so executives can get wealthy from death.
(1,906 posts)... benefits no one but the Wall Street Weasels that told their pet Republicans to shove it down our throats, whether we like it or not, just like Trump's promise to "protect women, whether they like it or not."
So the burning question is, how much of this evil treachery will we tolerate before shit gets real. If we let these traitors get too far down this path, there may be no turning it around.
If Garland had grown a pair when it really mattered, we wouldn't be in this mess, and the Orange shitstain would be in prison where he belongs, but nooo... Maybe his right leg is shorter than the other one, because right seems to be direction he leans when the winds of change start to blow.
(19,715 posts)But that is naturally of no concern to those ghouls.
(20,856 posts)With everyone else on the planet regulating drug prices, drug manufacturers get all their profits in the US.
(48,013 posts)no stockholders to demand more profits. It's a direct conflict when health insurance companies have a profit motive for people to die faster.
(1,456 posts)Bettie
(17,925 posts)and they hide behind "shareholder value is the most important thing in the world" to justify it.
(5,382 posts)IOW, screw the women & children and LET ME INTO THE LIFEBOAT!
(415 posts)You just have to live long enough to qualify.
(35,055 posts)Seinan Sensei
(886 posts)
in the name of Research/Development
And Ill betcha theres Fed money (and a universitys research) baked into that high-dollar pill
(35,055 posts)to kill the Kennedy nomination. It will be entertaining to watch.
(17,925 posts)come from government funded university research.
They usually reap the profits from research done by others and paid for by others.
(1,906 posts)... defines Elon Musk's business model. That motherfucker is poised to do incomprehensible damage if he's not reined in somehow.
(8,009 posts)
(52,276 posts)locally for a Kansas City resident
(8,009 posts)I never hear that usage in any context relating to people in the Bay Area.
I was beginning to wonder if "Metro" was now a new reference term for Women or People in any city around the country. thank you .
(48,013 posts)so for Kansas City, it includes areas of Missouri and Kansas.
(4,041 posts)and possibly that they don't think that Google works....
They still even have PDFs on their backgrounds up. It is insanely poor security for a group whose "business model" objectively acts to the detriment of the general public. Maybe, they actually think that they are "respectable business people" instead of what they actually are? Who knows?
(3,015 posts)GiqueCee
(1,906 posts)... click on your link and it's: ERROR 404 Page not found.
(35,737 posts)and $8,000 a month?
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation manufactures Promacta (eltrombopag).
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Ligand Pharmaceuticals discovered eltrombopag through a research collaboration. Ligand sold its Promacta assets and royalty to Royalty Pharma for $827 million.
-google search ("AI overview)
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)I understand there are enormous expenses that go into the research and development of drugs. But many of these companies make enormous profits and pay their top executives enormous salaries.
(11,692 posts)We can trace the death back to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. We can then follow the chain of blame from the nurse who reviewed the claim to the doctor hired to rubber stamp those decisions. Then to division supervisors and department heads to the top of food chain President and Chief Executive Officer of Blue KC, for authorizing this policy. Her name is easily obtainable. She needs to be held to account.
I think these CEOs hide behind their deadly organizations. Trying to pretend they don't murder people for a living. They hope we will blame the $30,000 a year Blue KC nurse or the $160,000 a year Blue KC doctor. But really at the top are the people who really pull the levers of death. The $24 million a year CEO is really the one who would be responsible for the girls death. She makes $24 million a year and can't spare $8,000 to keep a person alive.
(1,077 posts)Unless Congress creates regulations to rein in pharma this will be a continuing problem.
Nigrum Cattus
(432 posts)It might only cost a $100 or less to make. They know it's a
drug someone would need & so they stick it to em.
Sibelius Fan
(24,663 posts)I have been on Cosentyx for over a decade. List cost is over $7000 a month. My cost thru the Novartis Patient Assistance Program is $0. Its based on financial need. In my case, that means having a yearly income under $103,000 for a 3-person household. I imagine their program for Promacta is similar.