Mitch McConnell falls during Senate Republican lunch
Source: ABC News
December 10, 2024, 2:52 PM
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell fell during the Senate Republican lunch on Tuesday. It was initially unclear if McConnell, 82, was injured or what the severity of the fall was. Two medical responders were seen briefly entering his office and then departed.
Shortly afterward, McConnell's office put out a statement that he had sustained a "minor cut" to the face and a "sprained wrist" from the incident.
"Leader McConnell tripped following lunch. He sustained a minor cut to the face and sprained his wrist. He has been cleared to resume his schedule," his spokesperson said.
Newly-elected Senate Republican Leader John Thune, who will take the mantle from McConnell in January, was asked about McConnell's fall during the Republican press conference after the lunch. "He's fine, he's in his office," Thune said, deferring further questions to McConnell's staff.
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(17,770 posts)So did it snow in Washington DC last night, it did in Detroit ? Excuse me, I have to go change my cat litter box.
(19,382 posts)I wonder who they will replace him with.
(7,983 posts)splat
(2,340 posts)I was dizzying and dropping till I cut back on Losartan and Furosemide. Still take them, but lower doses and I haven't had a recurrence since.
I think as your body heals you need to ease off the heavy drugs you may not need so much of any more. You know you.
(424 posts)How much do you take a day? I'm on 100 mg and I only get a little dizzy (briefly) when I get out of the car after driving an hour or more.
(2,340 posts)I was taking 75 but I fainted if I had a cocktail!
(3,673 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 10, 2024, 05:37 PM - Edit history (1)
Check him for Covid. My 82+ family member always falls, hits head, when she has Covid. We find that out after the ambulance ride. Mitch! Go home where your people can watch out for you. Youve done more than enough harm here!
(148,663 posts)and obviously moreso if you have some kind of imbalance or weakness in muscles, etc. But if that had happened to Biden, everything would have been shoved off of the news site front pages to pound on it, and the story would go on for days 24/7.
(3,673 posts)The President continues to work and hold it all together! So proud!
Response to Hope22 (Reply #17)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(20,856 posts)If there's something to trip on, my toe will find it. I have always been a klutz!
(3,354 posts)Now I have a crooked toe (no hindrance) and walk very carefully and depending where I am somewhat tentatively. Also now always wear shoes or slippers around the house.
(90,329 posts)The better analogy would be Nancy.
If Nancy Pelosi did a face plant they would have talked about it endlessly before shoving her out of the House! Look what they did to her after her husband was attacked.
(148,663 posts)which was pounded 24/7 ahead of the election along with the "butter emails".
(90,329 posts)
(148,663 posts)and every little slip on a step was documented and magnified.
I think Kamala wearing her "Chucks" at many of her interviews and when getting on and off AF2 at least reduced the chances for RW loon-magnified "stumbles" since she usually wears heels!
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)Is of the moral kind. As in, he has none.
(36,837 posts)It wasn't much to talk about, except that I did experience a couple days of dizziness or vertigo. It's a strange feeling that comes and goes, for someone who isn't used to dealing with it.
(3,673 posts)The dizziness is crazy for sure!
(52,276 posts)Youve done more than enough harm!
(3,673 posts)Happy Holidays! 🙏🏼💗
(52,276 posts)Even better!
(320 posts)shell-side up or sell-side down?
Wouldn't it be fun to play "spin the turtle" with Mitch?
(11,259 posts)make him a post turtle......
(38,532 posts)I hope he remembered to shout "I'm not on the menu! I'm not on the menu!".
(13,867 posts)A rollator style with a seat would do just dandy.
(13,675 posts)I think he's being stubborn about using any assistance because he doesn't want to appear weak.
(5,382 posts)Face plants happen when we get on in years. Better a cane than gravel up one's nose, but image is all to those with abnormally tender egos.
Cane, walker, physical therapy to help get some muscle strength and balance back, it all helps but won't stop the ticking of one's clock. But egos are the easiest thing to trip over.
(13,675 posts)
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)I found one at Amazon, weighs 7 lbs, goes in my car when I go to my 6 AM water aerobics class.
I could not lift the one with a seat in my trunk. I have sold several when people see it.🫠
(6,957 posts)
(16,974 posts)Ray Bruns
(5,032 posts)Basso8vb
(754 posts)He was the sweetest man you'd ever meet.
I hope Mitch is in agony.
(13,675 posts)Falling is one of the main reasons for injury as we get older. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? I slipped and fell in a store, because there was something on the floor that I didn't see. I ended up in the ER with a concussion.
(11,848 posts)He seems to want to go out like Rehnquist. They're going to have to pull a meat wagon up to the Senate chamber to drag his carcass out of there.
(11,364 posts)An upright vegetable carted in and out by his 'aides'. Communicating via 'text' or other 'aide' written communique. He's already slurring words.
Response to pfitz59 (Reply #14)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,471 posts)iemanja
(55,655 posts)How would you feel if someone spoke about you that way?
(27,471 posts)iemanja
(55,655 posts)Your opinion is your own problem.
(27,471 posts)SheilaAnn
(10,334 posts)bluestarone
(19,128 posts)I had spinning so bad i had grab on to things to stay standing.. It was unreal. Needed to go to therapy to fix the crystals in my inner ear tubes.
(324 posts)the one with the punchline: ""Don't make me laugh while my lips are chapped" ?
(578 posts)JoseBalow
(6,957 posts)
(727 posts)ahem, but if, you know, he has to be replaced, does Beshear replace him with a Democrat? I would.
(148,663 posts)passed a law in 2021 that explicitly required appointing someone of the same party (until a Special Election) - Here's how Kentucky's law works for filling U.S. Senate vacancies
and then later came back around this year and took the governor completely out of the process - Republican-passed bill removes role of Democratic governor if Senate vacancy occurs in Kentucky
(727 posts)The GOP has had an advantage because they have focused so much at the local and state levels for decades. We are playing catch up in many ways.
(148,663 posts)Democrats were highly invested in state/local offices but then it often reaches the point where "human nature" demands some kind of "hierarchy", and that is when the corruption ( "party machine" / factions) sets in (see NJ, NY and other places). The same is happening or about to happen to the GOP in their states where "they eat their own" (we saw a little of that starting with Paxton in TX).
(8,022 posts)
(65,595 posts)With constant care to keep him going and pretending to be semi-alive.
All on the taxpayer dime.
(9,441 posts)IMHO, McConnell has contributed greatly to the situation in which we find ourselves (esp. SCOTUS).
He's a horrible excuse for a human being...
(11,259 posts)the ENTIRE Republican Senate was complicit, along with Trump and McConnell........Neither of them could have pulled anything off without the entire Republican Senate.........It was THEM that voted not guilty on both of his impeachments, not Trump or McConnell.....
(14,309 posts)No guarantees, but I wont be surprised if uppity senators start falling out of upper windows next year.
(36,631 posts)yaesu
(8,622 posts)iemanja
(55,655 posts)broken my arm and both of my ankles, I feel badly for him. No one should wish ill on another human being.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)I broke an ankle in a fall, Mitch broke his shoulder. I wis he would go away but not fall. He had polio as a child. That causes problems in later life.
(13,675 posts)having polio as a child. It's probably gotten worse as he's gotten older.
(4,123 posts)JohnSJ
(98,015 posts)brush
(59,174 posts)Not to mention the time you were dithering for several minutes in front of a mic at the Senate.
Those steep capitol steps are just waiting to get you again.
(122,596 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Darn
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)Satan just tried to give him a head start.
(3,015 posts)The benefits that members of the US Congress enjoy, like Republican Senator Mitch McConnell when he injured himself, are breathtaking. Besides the extraordinary pension plan, restaurants, gyms, and barbershops at their disposal, our Senators and Congressmen have an Attending Physician to treat them with hassle-free paperwork: None
Rear Admiral Brian Monahan, Attending Physician to Congress
This reminds me of the old Soviet Politburo.
(148,663 posts)are still required to to get general coverage from an ACA exchange after that law was enacted (versus the regular government FEHB plans) -