Russia Says Syria's Assad Has Left Country and Gave Orders for Peaceful Power Handover
Source: US News and World Report/Reuters
Dec. 8, 2024, at 6:49 a.m.
MOSCOW (Reuters) -The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had left office and departed the country after giving orders there be a peaceful handover of power. In a statement, the ministry did not say where Assad was now and said Russia has not taken part in the talks around his departure.
"As a result of negotiations between B. Assad and a number of participants in the armed conflict on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, he decided to resign from the presidency and left the country, giving instructions for a peaceful transfer of power.
"Russia did not participate in these negotiations," the ministry said. Moscow was extremely worried by events in Syria and urged all sides to refrain from violence, it said.
"We urge all parties involved to refrain from the use of violence and to resolve all issues of governance through political means," the statement said.
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(65,595 posts)"Urged that issues of governance be resolved through political means."
Like Putin did in Ukraine and the US?
Invaded and slaughters the Ukrainian people and interfered in the US elections.
Installed his fascist puppet into the White House.
Prairie Gates
(4,408 posts)Wow, the therapy must be kicking in.
It's difficult to understate the role of Russia in destabilizing the region and (as a result) Europe through their "Great Game" hijinks in Syria.
(65,595 posts)Creating chaos, pain, suffering.
He can more easily install his puppets into high office.
And the refugees created by his wars are sent to the US and Europe.
His puppets run for office on this issue and are elected.
And he makes more money on his drug and sex trafficking when countries are in chaos.
(95,921 posts)Sure he did.
(17,264 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,048 posts)Callie1979
(604 posts)Have the Russians abandoned them?
(6,413 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,010 posts)Who do they think Syria is? Belarus?
Oh, well, I'm sure all parties in Syria will follow Russia's orders, as long as the money and weapons flow.
(148,663 posts)it was supposedly Assad's. There will be an interesting realignment to come in there.
(20,063 posts)Russia will have no physical presence in the ME anymore. I doubt any of the opposition groups will want much to do with a foreign power who's been bombing the shit out of them for a decade. Didn't end quite the way Putin had planned. Wonder if he's getting use to that since it happens so often.
(7,940 posts)Could be some serious battles. Or, the Russkies buy some time with well placed cash.
As you note, though, the Russians have probably made a lot of enemies.
Prairie Gates
(4,408 posts)Prepare a dossier for Rubio, plop it on his desk, and be the fuck out.
(1,114 posts)Montauk6
(8,927 posts)I mean,.... uhhhh... have they checked the nominated Intelligence Secretary's basement or attic?
(18,630 posts)..."There is no such thing as a former KGB man."
(15,874 posts)Moscow, Tehran or Tulsi Gabbard's house?
(7,466 posts)"Assad and his family members arrived in Moscow; Russia provided them with asylum, Russian state media TASS reported."
So it appears he wasn't on the Il-76T (callsign RB9218) that was apparently shot down last night while leaving Syria. The plane is mainly used by the Syrian air force so there was a lot of speculation that he might have been on it. It certainly doesn't look like it made a normal landing:
(7,940 posts)Then again, we really dont know what Assad would have said if he didnt have the equivalent of a Russian pistol to his head.