Leaked video shows UnitedHealth Group chief complaining about 'vitriolic' coverage of Brian Thompson shooting
Source: The Independent
Saturday 07 December 2024 22:04 GMT
Three days after UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was fatally gunned down by a masked man lying in wait outside a Midtown Manhattan hotel, the head of the insurers parent company addressed anxious staff in a video sent to all US employees.
In it, UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty told underlings that their work was critical in preventing the US medical system from providing unnecessary care he claimed would eventually drive up costs to an unsustainable level as he complained about the vitriolic media coverage of the shooting.
The two-minute-and-forty-five-second speech came in the wake of widespread glee over the news of Thompsons murder by Americans who have been denied coverage while insurance companies earn record profits. While social media users shared anecdotes about being denied coverage some musicians have even written and shared murder ballads they composed following Thompsons killing, elevating the as-yet unidentified subject, who remains on the run, to near-folk hero status.
UnitedHealthcare reportedly has one of the highest denial rates in the entire healthcare industry, and was last year sued for allegedly using a flawed AI algorithm to systematically deny coverage to seniors.
Read more: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/unitedhealth-brian-thompson-shooting-media-andrew-witty-b2660646.html

(17,012 posts)Well...
(95,921 posts)How pampered and removed from reality these fuckheads are.
(10,587 posts)Hasn't been pre-approved. Out of network.
(2,569 posts)Theyve obsessed for a week over 1 man. How about the millions denied coverage? How about calling for universal single payer without an insurance company serving as middle man making huge profits off illness?
(11,364 posts)$1,500,000
Andrew Witty, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group, had total compensation of $20.9 million in 20221. His compensation included a salary of $1,500,000, a cash bonus of $2,550,000, and stock and option awards with an estimated value of over $14 million2. His net worth is $59 million.
This was 2021.
(6,706 posts)their employees: "It is your duty to f**k people over to sustain profits".
(64,857 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)
lonely bird
(2,143 posts)They do not control costs at all.
(17,568 posts)the money..
My lower abdominal ctsan with reading in Conway Arkansas was $1,471.00 with no insurance. Insurance price was $338.25
In Bangkok with the same machine and very good radiologist the price in U.S. Dollars with no insurance is $97.00..
In Japan it is a outrageously priced at 15,000yen Or $99.99 again with no insurance.
(2,359 posts)"we must keep the profit margins up for our investors and upper management. So don't be afraid to deny a claim.""
(644 posts)Mr. Mustard 2023
(297 posts)Our federal government was designed to be inefficient, with checks, balances & co-equal branches of government. Writers of the constitution literally created a system that works slowly and has many eyes on issues, so to speak.
Elon Musk is now crying "efficiency" as the ruse to dismantle those checks and balances, and especially regulations which try to hold Wall Street and polluters accountable.
UnitedHealth Care Group CEO Andrew Witty is declaring the mission for his unnecessary and inefficient middleman health insurance company has a mandate to ensure unnecessary procedures aren't performed. In the name of efficiency and cost control.
Efficiency is not more important than results, but they're trying (again) to use efficiency as a ruse to steal from us.
(712 posts)C0RI0LANUS
(3,015 posts)The other day I wrote something personal and vitriolic about UnitedHealthcare and the horrific impact the late Brian Thompson had on a family that I have known for years.
Many UHC victims in the US and DU can't spew enough venom and bile at these #@&!s.
Elderly Americans have been diligently paying their premiums to UHC for years, bamboozled by the AARP Medicare Advantage sales pitch, expecting decency when they file a claim.
Now we read that CEO Andrew Witty is concerned about "preventing the US medical system from providing unnecessary care.
So, CEO Andrew Witty admits he is more concerned about the entire "US medical system" than
providing insurance coverage to the American people to alleviate their suffering and facilitate healing.
How patriotic.
When and why does CEO Andrew Witty speak for the entire "US medical system"? And are UHC employees his triage kapos deciding who lives or dies? Who is programming the UHC AI death panel algorithms?
These health insurance executives will continue to luxuriate in their Greenwich, CT mansions, drive their Mercedes-Benz, send their children all expenses paid to the Ivy Leagues as legacies, and fly First Class to St Tropez every year, while unaware elderly Americans continue to buy their crappy product and service every enrollment period because of ubiquitous, insidious, and convincing TV ad campaigns.
Simply put, these health insurance oligarchs are pit fiends and
Clouds Passing
(4,010 posts)mzmolly
(52,002 posts)CEOs millions to deny care does not. Got it!
(4,128 posts)Between administrative expenses of over 30% of insurance costs and their bloated profit margin there is plenty of fat to trim. There is already enough money we just need to get everybody covered and treated faster. The estimates are tgat we would save money even the first year during the transition. This is a natural monoloply and needs to be nationalized. Big pharma and medical device manufacturers are even more opposed to National Single Payer health as all treatment outcomes would be publically available and we could see which treatments truely work and are worth using.
(2,945 posts)But, it isn't the ACA or universal health care.
It's the misnamed ' health ' insurance companies and their ultra greedy CEO's and stock holders.
The health care system is broken. We aren't healthy and they don't care.
Apparently, the oligarchs figure that it will be easier to oppress the rest of us if we're sick and bankrupt.
(87,175 posts)3825-87867
(1,310 posts)Next time you think you need a doctor apppointment, call your local Republican Rep to make one for their expert diagnosis and advice!
(1,310 posts)to provide great medical, health, insurance and especially hospital emergency coverage for the guy when he gets caught? Chances are UHC will turn him down,
Do I need the snark symbol?
(3,015 posts)dalton99a
(87,175 posts)
(3,015 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,982 posts)That's all a consumer is.
Thanks for the thread BumRushDaShow
(16,875 posts)Reminds me of George Bush telling everything after 9-11 that the thing that ordinary Americans could do to help the country was to go shop.
Uncle Joe
(60,982 posts)when all they're viewed as is "consumers," or tools for acquisition of wealth.
"Consumers" become the limitation to unlimited wealth, and It becomes much easier to ignore the American Peoples' legitimate, even righteous wants and needs when only seen through a mercenary or transactional lens.
"Consumer(s)" is one of my most hated words in the English language, it's used non-stop by the corporate media, and I believe that in turn has psychologically programmed the people to view themselves as less which of course makes viewing others as less all the easier.
(10,272 posts)and allied medical fields that's pretty standard amongst those who chose the accept it. There was some notion that "consumers" will be treated better than "patients." To me it seems like the opposite would be true, but I'm counting the days to retirement.
(3,015 posts)
(5,349 posts)OMGWTF
(4,595 posts)MaryMagdaline
(7,934 posts)
(36,490 posts)Cockroaches.
(96,610 posts)I just cant seem to dredge up any sympathy for Andrew Wittys concerns. Perhaps thoughts and prayers will do.
(4,595 posts)Fuck you United Healthscare greedy rat bastards!
(10,967 posts)"UnitedHealth Group Profits Hit $22 Billion In 2023"
(https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2024/01/12/unitedhealth-group-profits-hit-23-billion-in-2023/ )
Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)orangecrush
(23,563 posts)EOM
(712 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 8, 2024, 07:50 PM - Edit history (1)
by anyone with a fucking brain. Or heart for that matter.
It's almost like the health insurance industry is inherently deserving of vitriol. Gee. Now there's a thought.
(103,212 posts)Aussie105
(6,866 posts)Too close to home, I guess?
CEOs everywhere are worried.
Self-image of being good corporate citizens permanently shattered!
Either some will modify their outlook on their 'consumers' (unlikely) or hire protection muscle (more likely).
As always, try to read the motivation that others have when they try to tell you what to think, what to feel.
Strange system though - makes more profit when denying benefits? Guess insurance is like that.
(20,237 posts)"Thank you", for your Cruelty.
(4,123 posts)Their Medicare Advantage "plan" for 2025. On to Original Medicare for me!