Inslee puts National Guard on stand-by to support law enforcement if needed during election week
Source: The Olympian
November 02, 2024 5:00 AM
Gov. Jay Inslee has activated some Washington National Guard members to be on stand-by in the event they are asked to support local law enforcement and the Washington State Patrol during election week., the Governors Office announced late Friday afternoon.
The governor has sent a letter to The Adjutant General, Major General Gent Welsh, giving him the authority to determine how many members of the Guard will be activated, according to the news release.
Based upon general and specific information and concerns regarding the potential for violence or other unlawful activity related to the 2024 general election, I want to ensure we are fully prepared to respond to any potential additional civil unrest, the letter says.
Preparation to respond to civil unrest of the type already experienced will also require state level coordination and the activation of additional support functions within Washingtons Emergency Management System, the letter also says. This is a purely precautionary measure taken in response to the U.S. Department of Homeland Securitys nationwide warnings regarding threats to election infrastructure and other recent activities that have occurred in southwestern Washington, the news release says.
Read more:
Link to NEWS RELEASE - Inslee activates some Washington National Guard members to support public safety activities related to the 2024 elections

(31,320 posts)Of course, there are the 27 states with
polling sites being monitored by the DOJ.
They aren't going to do anything to make
elections free and fair.
(2,695 posts)we call him The Governator for a reason!
(69,316 posts)I had the privilege of attending his Inaugural Ball back in 2013. I knew even then he was going to be an inspiring leader.
(308,425 posts)Jit423
(1,025 posts)I thought at one time that he might be the Harris running mate. That was before I knew about Tim Walz. Really happy with Tim on the ticket.
(36,026 posts)I'd vote for him to be Gov again, no sweat. But I'm glad Harris picked someone a decade-plus younger.