Related: About this forumYou can now embed Tweets directly into DU posts
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
People have been asking for this for a while now, and since Twitter is President Cheetoface McShitgibbon's preferred method of communication we decided it was finally time to program our software to allow automatic embedding of Tweets.
Simply enter the URL of the tweet into the body of your post, and our software will do the rest.
Where's the Tweet URL?
To find the URL, go to the tweet you want to embed and click the small drop-down arrow in the top-right. One of the options will say "Copy link to Tweet" -- grab that link and paste it into your post, and you should get the following result:
Link to tweet

(63,660 posts)metroins
(2,550 posts)radical noodle
(9,614 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)Thank you!
(3,639 posts)thank you.
(53,544 posts)LonePirate
(14,057 posts)seaglass
(8,182 posts)They_Live
(3,328 posts)"pouty face and scowl"
(38,765 posts)Oh Joy! Oh Rapture! Thank you EarlG!
(25,484 posts)Sissyk
(12,665 posts)Thanks, Guys!
(2,550 posts)OxQQme
(2,550 posts)Cha
(308,615 posts)highplainsdem
(54,809 posts)here open.
(8,446 posts)I didn't realize at first, but the way it now works is fine for me, though not immediately obvious.
If you click on the displayed tweet, it should open up the actual tweet on Twitter in another tab (at least it does in Firefox).
Try it:
Link to tweet
(54,809 posts)have to go back one page to get back to DU. Works the same with the link you posted as it did before.
All other links on DU open a new tab. And links to tweets used to.
BTW, I am using Firefox.
I do have one other quibble with the link. When I used to post links to tweets, you could tell from the link that appeared on DU that it was a particular page on Twitter -- so, for instance, I could post a link to the Twitter account, and a following link to a specific tweet. Now, with only the words "Link to tweet" appearing, you can't tell the links apart.
(8,446 posts)to control how you link to Twitter.
But I don't get "Link to tweet" if I just paste the DU Twitter URL in:
It just displays it like any other non-image URL.
As opposed to the specific tweet URL:
Link to tweet
As for getting the tweet to open in another tab, how about middle-clicking on the link (around the inside margins of it seems to be the hot spot, or aim for the date stamp) rather than left-clicking? That opens it in a new tab for me.
Or right-clicking on the tweet's date stamp will bring up menu options, the first of which is "Open Link in New Tab".
boston bean
(36,744 posts)Denzil_DC
(8,446 posts)You'll need to either whitelist ("Trust Site" DU or allow the Twitter Button Social Media Tracker in order for this to work.
herding cats
(19,659 posts)This is a much needed upgrade!
(31,170 posts)to share!
(74,511 posts)riversedge
(74,511 posts)alright.
(7,822 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,571 posts)Slow-loading tweets are causing the view to bounce all over the place. I wish people wouldn't embed so many tweets in one post that it takes that long to load.
(8,446 posts)If not, install a browser plugin like Ghostery - it'll stop the tweets displaying (unless you tell it to allow them) and just show a link instead.
(115,916 posts)The address like this, can't see an arrow on my tablet
herding cats
(19,659 posts)If so, mobile twitter, which twitter defaults to even in a mobile device's browser when one chooses not to use the app, doesn't appear to offer a work around for this issue that I'm aware of yet.
I'm about to try other browsers, and I'll let you know if I find one which one can emulate a none mobile environment. Until then, were reduced to moving to a non mobile device to embed tweets due to a flaw in the Twitter platform.
(115,916 posts)JudyM
(29,540 posts)Make7
(8,547 posts)In case you still were wondering how to get tweets to embed from your mobile device - although I don't know how easy or difficult editing text is on your device (usually it's pretty easy - I am posting this from my iPad).
I'm a little late to the party, but thought some mobile users might still happen upon this.
(115,916 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)Now you should just be able to click the menu, select "copy link to tweet", paste it here on DU and it will work. At least it does for me now.
(18,865 posts)But works fine on iOS Chrome.
(4,924 posts)Link to tweet
I'm using iPad Safari - you need to remove the "mobile." portion from the hostname, otherwise you get this:
Response to EarlG (Original post)
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(9,580 posts)Response to EarlG (Original post)
rocktivity This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,976 posts)There have been numerous "keepers" posted on Twitter that are insightful, witty and caustically anti-#45. Have been wanting to share more of those.
As always, thanks for your sterling effort, EarlG!
Response to EarlG (Original post)
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