Related: About this forumA note for those who are worried about DU's security tomorrow
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the Announcements group).
As many of you know, DU was vandalized on Election Day 2016 by a scripting hack that forced us to bring the site down for about a week before we could restore functionality. A recap of that situation can be found here.
I'm sure you can imagine that securing DU against a similar situation has been at the forefront of our minds for a long time, and to that end, Elad has spent a great deal of time working with our web host to make sure that DU is as well-protected as we can possibly be going into tomorrow's election.
There are two important things you need to know about DU's security:
1) Without going into any specific detail about what has been done, I can assure you that DU is significantly better protected against various types of attack than it was four years ago.
2) BUT... there is not a single site on the Internet that is invulnerable to attack by someone with enough skill and willpower. Even the giants can be brought down or hobbled by determined groups or individuals. So while I'm sure you would like to hear me guarantee that DU will stay up tomorrow, I cannot make that promise.
What I can promise you though, is that we have not been resting on our laurels -- we have taken every possible precaution that we can to prevent a repeat of 2016.
Should something beyond our control happen tomorrow, we will post updates on our Twitter and Facebook pages to keep you informed. Please bear in mind that these will be the only official sources of information should we need to get updates out that way, but we will likely not be monitoring or moderating any of the responses.
We remain optimistic, however, that it won't come to that.
Thank you for being with us on DU for what will no doubt be an historic day tomorrow.
-- EarlG and Elad

Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)AZ8theist
(6,645 posts)IT. WILL. BE. A. BIDEN. BLOWOUT.
No matter WHAT the NAZI FASCISTS try to do.
A "New Dawn in America "....
To steal a repuke phrase....
(34,544 posts)Been here a very long time. Totally understand that nothing is perfect. Hopefully - it will be a good night for us all.
(15,751 posts)soothsayer
(38,601 posts)Following
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,762 posts)It was invaluable in keeping us in the loop! And it's still active posting EarlG's Pic of the Moment!
(10,114 posts)

(30,236 posts)just a regular DUer. i can only imagine how bad it was for you guys. thank you!!
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,349 posts)Stay Safe! Thanks for all the work you do.
(27,430 posts)Oddly enough, I don't recall the site being down for as long as it apparently was.
(122,596 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,430 posts)DU for a week.
I will say that I went to bed that night, long before the race was decided. My clock radio went off the next morning, a bit before 6am, tuned to a station that carries the BBC at that hour. What they announcers were saying made absolutely no sense to me, and I thought I'd somehow awakened in an alternate reality.
(36,515 posts)Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)Best of Luck!
I know we on MIRT are doing our best to clear some of the problems ahead of time, but I know you guys are going to have some issues we just can't tackle.
Best of Luck!
GO BIDEN/HARRIS! Our next two presidents!
(67,112 posts)

(54,770 posts)elleng
(138,723 posts)and good luck to us all!
(12,605 posts)I was totally lost in16 when DU got hacked.
(3,339 posts)everything in your power to ward off attacks. We are grateful! This group relies on this site and each other so much for support and commiseration! I felt out to sea without DU during that week. Thank you!
(12,587 posts)Thank you seems inadequate, however, many, many thanks!!!
(26,795 posts)MuseRider
(34,502 posts)Been with you for 18 years so I am fully confident that all is as ready as can be. Thanks for posting the other resources. I remember when we did not have those, this feels much better.
(96,605 posts)

Richard D
(9,625 posts)Was the moment I knew *45 would steal the election.
(19,439 posts)if DU goes down I'll see you all when it comes back up. I'm not worried about it. If these hacker children have nothing better to do with their time, screw 'em. It's not like they're altering the outcome of the election or anything.
My reasons for not being on Facebook or Twitter? I don't want to contribute to the downfall of civilization.
(11,897 posts)It has in the area of 200,000,000 downloads per month, so it must be filling some kind of need(s).
It is by no means perfect, but I watched a 3-hour conversation between JR and a fellow named Tristan Harris. TH is a former Google "ethicist," and has just completed a doc. about social media.
As you have strong feelings about the subject, I really recommend the interview, and the doc. is probably great, as well.
The issue is SO much bigger...deeper...broader...and more entrenched that I had even imagined. For instance - as you said about contributing to the downfall of humanity - FB is being used for, among other things, ginning up massacres.
In Ethiopia, many languages and dialects are spoken, but only the most widely used and "official" dialect is supported by FB. In fact, they don't even have people capable of translating many of the languages in which FB is published. They are completely helpless and ignorant when villains are cooking up their malice in those cases. which contributed to the "efficiency" of Ethiopian campaigns of oppression and death.
And that is the tip of the iceberg.
(7,398 posts)And it's scary as hell..
(148,649 posts)but since the DU accounts are "public" you can still use the links to "view" the info posted at them in a regular web browser (in fact, you can test that right now to see what you can see).
(19,439 posts)I've done it before for some stories posted here and continued on Twitter, but Facebook? I have a tangible "dislike" (I shy away from the "hate" word) for Zuckerberg and his laissez-faire attitude about his creation and it's most destructive properties. I won't go near his creation. Ever. That's just my opinion, and others certainly vary.
(148,649 posts)(he was my mother's baby brother) and he is a rampant FB user who sends all his nieces and nephews links from his and his buddies' Facebook pages. And inevitably, I'll click on a link he'll email and maybe 10% of the time I can actually get to the page. Otherwise it requires a login and it'll be a coooolllllld day in hell before I even consider an account dontcha know...
(90,322 posts)We need to vote him all the way to hell for his crimes.
(5,609 posts)Hear, hear Sheshe!!
Very well said!
(17,208 posts)
(10,611 posts)DU is my sane space. I'm sure it is for most of us here.
We are all in this together. Good luck America!
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Ans thank you..
(153,134 posts)It's a worrisome time and you've done all you can to reassure us.
I really appreciate your response.
(8,593 posts)To You as you struggled to get back all of this back online.
No joke and have worked on an attack myself until the FBI took over. Its scary so I appreciate all your efforts and hope they let us celebrate Bidens win in peace!
Good luck.
(2,607 posts)ailsagirl
(24,047 posts)You guys ROCK!!!
Were you able to trace who did that to us last year?
Just curious...
(10,414 posts)pfitz59
(11,356 posts)i was worried.
(3,741 posts)this threat. I remember 16'. We really need this time tomorrow to join together to celebrate. Celebrate the defeat of an evil the world has seen but rarely has seen such a powerful force stopped ... there is much work to be done but we can be happy for the next little while knowing that we did all we could over the last 4 painful years to make this moment happen. DU is a beacon of Democracy!!! Let it shine ... tomorrow and F yeah !!!!! GO JOE AND KAMALA ..............GET OUT to VOTE THE POLLS if you need to do it
(11,347 posts)For all you all do.
(10,729 posts)Hermit-The-Prog
(36,631 posts)BTW, thanks and kicking for visibility!
(7,715 posts)Sincere appreciation for the optimistic but careful guidance in your OP.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)GOOD LUCK to everyone!
(11,897 posts)...COMPLETELY happy to be in your capable hands. All four of them.
This is one of the best-run "independent" sites on the entire Web, and many sites of presumed giants, and we all know why.
Thank you in advance for such a safe and welcoming haven.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)for all of your hard work and for this website.
(54,515 posts)icwlmuscyia
(296 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)icwlmuscyia
(296 posts)by the 403 monster. My old name won't get me back in, so I am really nervous for tomorrow.
(122,596 posts)Illumination
(2,458 posts)CAN DO THIS! GO JOE & KAMALA! :
(7,115 posts)Keep up the great work!!!
Algernon Moncrieff
(5,961 posts)Maybe we emerge from all this with a functioning Republic.
(14,663 posts)I've never understood a possible motive for hacking DU other than just pure meanness. It achieves nothing relative to the election and just annoys this wonderful bunch of relatively older patriotic Americans.
Fingers crossed, multiple wood things knocked on and rabbit's feet rubbed......
Hoping for fantastic results tomorrow....... .......
(85,363 posts)Heck, everybody else on this thread who's thanking and expressing appreciation to EarlG and Elad speaks for me!
(14,663 posts)After suffering multiple personal losses this past year or so, I would never have dreamed I could find solid repose and feel such close ties to a bunch of highly diverse and completely anonymous friends on the internet.
Plus, most DUers here are far smarter than I on so many subjects, so for this old guy of 73, it's a constant learning experience as well.
I somehow missed finding DU early on in the W years and hung around on other liberal sites but soooo glad I finally got here.
Today's my birthday as well (I'm very shy and never announce things like that). The only thing I want for my birthday is a huge Democratic Party win......
Here's to a very successful day today..... ........
(85,363 posts)Yes, Im SHOUTING!!!
I hope you get the ULTIMATE birthday present by late tonight! Itll be Christmas for the rest of us (and for you as well), hopefully!
(14,663 posts)I got a nice email from my daughter which included the graphic below. She's a school teacher and busy today doing catch-up work.
My son came in with good wishes too, so I'm happy. I discourage my kids from giving me gifts 'cause I have most everything I need but hoping my granddaughter draws me a nice picture. She's 13 now, cute as a button and doing good.
Fingers crossed, knock on wood and say a dozen good luck mantras tonight for Joe and Kamala and all other Democrats running today.
Stay safe!.........
(85,363 posts)LOVE it! (And love them, too! Weve been working nonstop!)
(1,751 posts)available to us. Someday I hope we will be able to reach right into the web and grab those terrorists who shut down sights by the throats and get it.
(27,995 posts)

Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)

H2O Man
(76,274 posts)I do hope that DU remains up and running tomorrow. I'm looking forward to participating in discussions here.
(10,232 posts)That we end up discussing the weather, and snarking about the guests at the Toxic Tango @COVID House😏
H2O Man
(76,274 posts)Laha
(420 posts)I was there four years ago when the site got maliciously hacked during the election. Hell, I've been here since the beginning when the supreme court stole the election for W.
I can't bear to think of another four years of listening to that orange imbecile's inane, even insane, rantings. He must be dumped into the dustbin of history. Thank you for your efforts. Please don't stop.
Edited for grammar/spelling. I think I got it right.
(39,939 posts)Worse come to worst, I'll be hanging with DU on Facebook.
(3,225 posts)disappeared and a scary image came on the screen. It was meant to be terrifying and it was. I'm hoping this craziness ends soon.
(3,828 posts)I was such a wreck in 2016, having DU gone that first week was unbearable.
I trust you have done all you can to avoid it this time.
ms liberty
(10,028 posts)CousinIT
(11,082 posts)Appreciate all you do! I'd be LOST without my DU.
None of us will rest until or unless this hideous Trump nightmare is over -- least of all guys that have to keep Democratic websites running. So...get lots of rest tonight if you can. Tomorrow and beyond is gonna be one long damn day. Hopefully, with light at the end of that tunnel. Now let's go kick some Trump Cult ass, shall we?
(15,663 posts)😺💕
(17,634 posts)I don't want to post the link in case it is some kind of rogue effort, but it is in the groups from today.
(42 posts)When DU went down 4 years ago I wondered wth was going on.
(25,816 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)actually worry if you did say that. However, as a long-time member of this wonderful DU family, I have every confidence in the world that you two have done everything there is to do, no matter what happens.
Keeping fingers crossed, and the wine handy! I know that tomorrow is going to be a very busy day..
Be safe and well, both of you.
(4,174 posts)yardwork
(65,742 posts)Bettie
(17,921 posts)It was only a week? It seemed so much longer.
(308,408 posts)

(148,649 posts)Many many thanks to you and Elad!
(4,534 posts)to prevent another site hacking. Your efforts are very much appreciated no matter the outcome. We're all vulnerable when online. Good luck holding down the fort this next week. We support you.
Mr. Evil
(3,181 posts)Many thanks to all the DU crew and also to those who frequent this amazing site.
(10,344 posts)duhneece
(4,322 posts)Thank you.
(122,596 posts)Auggie
(32,109 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,158 posts)thanks for all your hard work.
hopefuly to mrrow i can get rid of that upside down flag of mine and change my skype avatar to a more happy one . i was on du when it got hacked . firlst . links didnt work. then redirects and finaly links that wouldnt work at all. browser crashes and finaly 404 not found for a week. had to go to other sites for election news . hope this never happens .
(64,165 posts)

(48,013 posts)

(5,609 posts)You make this one of the best sites on the entire innertubz, and that is much appreciated!
Mr. Ected
(9,689 posts)All the while realizing that, if any site "had this", it would have to be DU. Such a privilege to be able to enjoy this website.
(100 posts)
(311 posts)For all you do. I rarely post but I peruse DU every day (more so this year). My plan/hope was to rely on the good DU posters to get through tomorrow.
(72,895 posts)ALL OF US
(23,152 posts)

Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)

(63,542 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)This site has been a haven for me, as well. I remember back to the dark days of W, on here.
I have great confidence in your ability to protect this beloved community from malicious hackers!
Now we are fighting like never before.
(16,344 posts)I didn't really know how dependent I was on DU for, well, everything when it comes to news and a like-minded community. As the days went on without access to DU I felt like an addict without my fix.
So, a huge thank you for all the hard work you admins do and a thank you to all the DU members who add so much to the discussions. I have been on DU for a very long time and have learned so much about so many things.
I think we're in capable hands for tomorrow and I'll end with saying that I am optimistic we'll prevail. I can't wait to have a sense of normalcy return to life once again.
Go Joe and Kamala! We're with you 100%!
(3,321 posts)I salute you sir.
(1,402 posts)What will we do without all of you, you all are our lifeline. This is exactly why we need to get rid of that scourge, DJT. He has already encouraged his cronies to commit terrorism. He is a dangerous man and he must be stopped. We all will be patient, if it comes to that - I wouldn't put anything past DJT and people that are just like him. It's sad that there are so many of those lunatics in this world. Stay safe, we need all of you!!
(281,692 posts)
(2,172 posts)What would I do without DU while I waited for election results?
(1,061 posts)tosh
(4,453 posts)
(9,440 posts)Thank you!
(1,198 posts)DU in 2016 ...Thank you so very much for what Im sure was a ton of work to make sure the site is better prepared this time. You both are so much appreciated!
(15,177 posts)Let's hope for the best.
(10,588 posts)Truer words were never spoken but isnt it foolish that every state in the nation will trust/report the election results from info taken from an unsafe site on the web
The only hope is the numbers are so overwhelming they cant be flipped without it showing (like a negative sixty thousand votes for gore in volusia county,2000)
proud patriot
(101,672 posts)
(13,109 posts)

(32,017 posts)I appreciate all that you do, and I am humbled that you have risked your fortunes and your futures to keep this site going.
Old Terp
(468 posts)My wish is for tomorrow to have a beautiful dawn and for Wednesday to be a day of joy for us and the America that we love.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,270 posts)

(49,476 posts)appalachiablue
(43,474 posts)do to make DU a powerful resource for discussion and community.
See you tomorrow night! Here's to America and democracy.
(2,626 posts)

Response to EarlG (Original post)
Post removed
(13,784 posts)Democracy lives at DU.
Federal, State, Local.
Every opportunity.
Every time.
House of Roberts
(5,892 posts)ding ding, ding ding, seven o'clock, and all is well, ding ding...
(7,400 posts)Salute! Thanks for all you gang do on here.
(17,770 posts)

(39,210 posts)Hope owning & running DU is everything you hoped it would be!
(85,363 posts)For all you do!
To Elad, too!
Thank you BOTH!!!🙏💪👍
(168 posts)Orange Buffoon
(221 posts)Felt like I was in the dark four years ago. All alone in a cold room.
(9,953 posts)Thanks millions!
(18,630 posts)Thank you so much.