Related: About this forumJust a heads up, we're about to start re-testing some ad placements
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the Announcements group).
Obviously this is something that doesn't affect Star Members, so if you're a Star Member already, please feel free to stop reading
For those of you who are not Star Members, you're probably aware that over the weekend a ton of ads showed up in places where they weren't appearing before. Too many ads, in fact, to the point where we had to turn them off again because they were annoying people.
We've spent some time today re-working the setup and we're about to test it again.
Some things to expect:
- Ads should now appear mostly in places where you're already used to seeing them. Over the weekend they were showing up in all kinds of places that made some pages difficult to read. We have dialed all that back pretty significantly. So for example, while we still have the usual ads at the top of the page, inside the OP, and in the sidebar, ads should no longer appear anywhere inside replies, or even between replies.
- You may see some additional ads that weren't there before on the Latest and Greatest pages, in the thread listings. Again, we've dialed this back so you shouldn't see them too often, but they are there.
- We got rid of the sticky ads on desktop and tablet -- they were just taking up too much space on larger screens. (We're keeping the one on mobile though -- we've had that one there for quite some time.)
- People noticed over the weekend that some ads were showing spinning circles for a second or two before loading. This is normal -- it's to let you know that an ad is supposed to be in that position and just hasn't loaded in yet (as opposed to popping in out of nowhere). But if spinning circles are showing up and not going away, then something went wrong. If this happens to you a lot, please let me know (because it shouldn't be happening).
- All ads should now have an "x" on them, so you can click to hide individual ads.
If you're finding the ads to be too much, don't forget that a Star Membership removes all advertising from DU, and can be purchased for as little as $1 for an entire year -- although we do accept larger amounts

Thanks again,
-- The DU Administrators

(9,696 posts)Those make it very hard to read the articles with all the flashing and movement.
BTW, the "X" thing doesn't really work, not your fault.
I'm on a desktop and the ads don't reduce in size so I see a lot of blank space between threads where the ads are pushing down to space they fit in. That's happening when I view "actual size" if I reduce the size, the ads fit, but then the type is rather small.
I had a feeling you were doing some tests this weekend, am glad to know you've got it worked out. I spent so much time closing ads on the desktop that reading was becoming a chore. Glad it's back to normal. I try and support your advertisers whenever possible.
(22,762 posts)Im afraid static ads are probably a thing of the past...
When you say the ads are pushing down to fit, Im kinda curious to know what that looks like. Could you possibly take a screenshot and email me at
FWIW, the ad software is supposed to learn what kind of ad its supposed to put where, so it might be a bit squirrelly to start with, before it figures out the layout. Hopefully it will settle down for you before too long.
Thanks for your feedback, and if you could get a screenshot to me that would be super helpful.
(3,574 posts)hosed back up. Instead of seeing too many ads I see no ads and the green circling arrows and blank spaces.
(22,762 posts)some kind of content blocker, or a security setting turned on in your browser which is affecting the display. If youre a Star Member or running an ad blocker, you wouldnt see the ads at all. But if youre not, the ads should load after a second or two. They shouldnt spin but then not load. But youre the only person who has reported this so far. Do you see ads on other websites?
(3,574 posts)EarlG
(22,762 posts)Whereas at DU youre just getting spinning circles that dont go away?
(3,574 posts)in2herbs
(3,574 posts)I previously mentioned in other emails. I am also noticing that in the article content I am now seeing funny figures that don't belong such as a backward S, a % sign, a ? mark. I can still read and post but the circles and figures are still there, I read around them.
I'll be off line for a couple of hours. Will check back later. It's 7:45 am AZ time right now.
(22,762 posts)Last week we had an issue with our character set that made those odd characters appear where smart quotes would normally be, but we fixed that and it hasn't been a problem for days. I'm wondering if you have some kind of caching problem.
Can you try clearing your browser cache and see if that makes a difference? Here's a page that shows you how to do it in different types of browser:
(3,574 posts)instructions to clear my cache. I don't notice a difference. BTW I am also seeing the word "ezoic" on the portions of my blank screen.
(22,762 posts)"Ezoic" is just the name of the company that's serving the ads.
Something in your browser is blocking the ads from loading but I don't know what it could be. I think there's a way for us to get rid of the spinning circles though, so we're working on that.
(3,574 posts)again in AM and report. Thanks.
(10,588 posts)if the screen is 5 inches ,the ads are 4 inches plus of it
yes you can scroll and some of them go away
and yes I can click the x each and every time and the ad will go away
but if I was visiting for the first time I would of never have tried to get past the ads, I think this new ad "placement" will kill new peoples interest
on my laptop the only change seems to be there are ads about every 15 op titles or so ( but there were already ads on 3 sides the page)
(132 posts)Past week DU has been horribly slow, especially when hitting the back button or going to a new page. Blocked and Back to normal speed.
Sad that ad trackers are now the norm, particularly on a political forum where anonymity, privacy, and security should be considered a high priority.
While I don't post much, I've been here since 2001 and read every day, like many, many other lurkers. I'm disappointed, and considering leaving permanently if this is the way forward. It's not worth my time having loading delays, spinning circles, and having my every move online analyzed. It definitely DOES interfere with my ability to enjoy the site.
Come on guys. You're better than this.
(56,126 posts)you have enjoyed the site for almost 20 years? send it some money
(10,588 posts)is it a business?
(56,126 posts)is there something wrong with that? and why can't it serve more than one purpose?
(10,588 posts)I wonder why they call it a "donation"?
(56,126 posts)I don't know how they structure that kind of stuff. I know I have "donated" to a number of "businesses" over the years...what do you think they should call monetary contributions to the site?
(10,588 posts)if it is a non profit then it is a donation
honestly it doesn't matter to me, I just think it should be transparent about the reason for it to exist
for whatever reason the admin did not respond to me on this page, you did so I engaged
if a dollar a year can make up for me not seeing literally hundreds of ads a day, then I question what those ads even pay the site and how they can be worth taking the chance of not growing the democratic community
I am just naturally curious, sorry if it bothers you
(56,126 posts)asking for a donation makes more sense than asking for a fee for service, but I don't have a problem viewing it that a small fee to get one of the best sources for late breaking news (especially political news) and discussion with no ads.
or as a donation to the same, info, and discussion on a site run by some people who have a right to earn money off of it.
(10,588 posts)but being a business makes my question about how little ads must pay even more on point, if a dollar a year makes up for missing hundreds of ads a day, how little must those ads pay or is there a different goal than the dollar?
(18,630 posts)They can pay wages to their employees. My S-corp paid me a salary and salaries to my employees. Any profits retained in the corporate account at the end of the year became business income to me on which I paid taxes as if they were regular non-wage income. This income would be taxed similar to income you would get from a rental property.
The admins "work" and I hope make some reasonable salary or profits from the endeavor. They incur expenses to run the site and are giving up other pursuits in order to run the site.
Many schools and hospitals operate as non-profits but are still expensive to operate. They have employees and usually pay them competitively.
If you have additional questions, there's a link for that:

(10,588 posts)if a dollar a year can make up for me not seeing literally hundreds of ads a day, then I question what those ads even pay the site and how they can be worth taking the chance of not growing the democratic community
is there a different goal
and of coarse both businesses and non profits have employees that need to be paid/I do not begrudge them that
(18,630 posts)While the admins here do at times participate, they are quite busy right now. YMMV

Response to Kali (Reply #14)
Post removed
(56,126 posts)Kali
(56,126 posts)I just noticed all the headlines that I had already read in Latest news (on the Latest page) column are no longer the "read" color...stuff I looked at in the center "Latest" column are marked, but not the other...
that would actually be my browser wouldn't it?
(22,762 posts)Last edited Fri Aug 7, 2020, 10:19 PM - Edit history (1)
This happens to me too from time to time, and has been going on for a while -- most of the time links turn to the correct "visited" color (the default is purple), but sometimes they go back to blue again. It's a bit of a mystery... likely something to do with our code being a bit old and creaky these days. There's possibly a simple fix for this -- I'll take a look. If it's not a simple fix though, we may have to live with it for a little while.
(56,126 posts)normally I just assume it is an update or something on my end. thanks!
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)The odd thing is I am seeing them in odd places. Every jury I am! In "My Posts" when I have more than a few responses to a thread and open it in "My Posts" to see who! I even had an add in one of my PMs, but I can't find it now, so it is either fixed or gone.
(22,762 posts)We thought we'd fixed the issue with Star Members seeing ads which occurred briefly last weekend, but it seems that the new ad platform is occasionally inserting ads into pages where they shouldn't be at all. It's possible that the fix Elad came up with for making sure Star Members don't see the ads did not extend to pages where we weren't expecting ads to be, which is why they're occasionally sneaking through.
I'm going to do some troubleshooting on this and make sure that no ads are served on those pages. Thanks for the heads up and sorry about that. As you can see, we're still working out some kinks with the new ad platform.