Related: About this forumWhaling captain, crewman die in capsize off Utqiagvik men died Sunday during a whaling excursion near Alaskas northernmost city Sunday, with few details immediately available on what happened.
According to the Arctic Sounder newspaper, a whaling captain and a crew member were killed during the capsize near Utqiagvik, formerly known as Barrow. They were in a boat which was on a tow line, and towing a whale to shore in turn, when their craft flipped in rough water.

(17,235 posts)Steerpike
(2,693 posts)have been for hundreds of years
(2,369 posts)Just because the natives have always hunted whales doesnt mean they should be allowed to keep doing it. Times have changed.
(2,693 posts)times are pretty much the same there...native american's have their traditional ways to gather food in the most extreme of environments...
(2,369 posts)I know its their tradition, but cant traditions change over time?
(4,429 posts)and imo - they should.
(2,693 posts)Geez...they live in one of the most northern habitable places in the world...most of their food they have to hunt for themselves. It's not like there's a fred meyers or a krogers down the street...
I'm just assuming you have no idea or cannot even fathom their lives and that's why you sell them so cheaply...
look up barrow on the map or maybe wiki it...yeah maybe they should all move to cleveland
(17,235 posts)There must be a substitute for whale blubber.