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So I live in a gerrymandered district where the Dems have zilch chance of winning a congressional election. But an independent has come forward who, because he has an I after his name, is more palatable to fence sitting Republicans. And he could conceivably win, IF he had help from Dems. This candidate is a moderate. He recognizes the reality of global warming and the need for climate action. In that regard he supports a carbon tax, ending fossil fuel subsidies, and promoting green energy. But because he's not one of their own, the Dem Committee in my area refuses to support him, and has even denounced him in the papers.
So what the hell is wrong with this picture?! Dems could get a lot of what they want. But evidently they would rather go down like the Titanic, with Democratic flags flying, than support a really good Independent.
I'm so disgusted with party politics I can't even spit.

(138,720 posts)that's what Dems do, behave like ostriches. That's why I only support candidates I like directly, and after receiving 100+ solicitation e. mails this week, tried to 'unsubscribe' from their lists.
(1,249 posts)But I vowed to be a climate change voter and defeat the deniers. Just wish the Dem Committee would pitch in.
(43,049 posts)it's an unfortunate human trait.
Are you active in the party? Is there anything you can do to help move them along, or is it just more moribund bullshit from some old-timers...
Sometimes, you just have to wait till they just die off before some new blood can start things moving.
(1,249 posts)But how long can climate action be put on the back burner? I'm trying to help this Independent--I'm canvassing door to door, phone calling, etc. However, some help from a party that claims to care about climate action would be nice. I'm not a player in the D party.
I'm registered Independent (of the progressive type), so have no clout with the local D-party mucky mucks.
(43,049 posts)just plain ol' unaffiliated independent?
We have about a third of our local voters with no party preference, and they do swing elections, but rarely is there anyone on the ballot without a party endorsement.
I'm lost at what's actually going on there, but fascinated by the possibility that a deal could be cut with a sacrificial Democrat with no chance to win fighting this independent hard enough to actually swing republican votes his way.
Stranger things have happened...
Where's that place I'm hearing about where the Republicans sued to get the weak Democrat back on the ballot after he quit when some third party guy surged in the polls?
(1,249 posts)And he's running his campaign solely on individual contributions--no special interest or PAC money.
The place you might be thinking of is Kansas. Lots of exciting stuff going on there this cycle, so I hear.
(39,215 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)I hate party politics and I am beginning to hate the democratic party. Not nearly as much as the Republicans but still.
Maybe you can help persuade the dems in your district that, in this case, the candidate makes sense?
I am sure that your local moveon or common cause or some other organization like those can help.
I feel your frustration. Peace!
(45,251 posts)Crist, when he ran as an Indie for US Senator against Meek and Rubio, was an example where the Dem got little to no help from the party on the theory that Crist had a better chance of beating Rubio. Dems have also backed the Republican against the Democrat, as when Chafee first ran for Governor in Rhode Island. (I don't know if the Party officially backed Chafee. Obama, head of the Party did and I don't think the Party did much for the Dem, if anything.) In Vermont, the DSCC doesn't run anyone at all against Sen. Sanders.
Your call might not do anything for this election (too late, I assume), but might get them thinking for next time.
That is my advice to you. However, speaking for myself, I don't like when the Party backs a Republican or an Indie over a Dem. I have never donated to the Dem Party on the theory that I was supporting any candidate running against a Dem. If they don't want to run anyone at all, figuring they'll only lose, that's one thing. But running someone, then backing away from them or supporting their opponent is not okay with me. It is one of several reasons I no longer contribute to the DNC.