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This message was self-deleted by its author (mahina) on Wed Sep 24, 2014, 03:57 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(634 posts)Scootaloo
(25,699 posts)dtom67
(634 posts)Sometimes leads to errors. Posted premature.
THAT has never happened to me before.....
(6,057 posts)I thought not!
(634 posts)You know , like on that episode of Star Trek. The one where the computer calculates the casualties and if your number comes up, you report to the vaporizer. But your name( and your familes names) only goes in the computer if you vote for war.
That is what is missing from thhe equation in the US; skin iin the game. Its easy to yell "war" when you think none of ours will get killed. If we knew that a thousand soldiers might die in the first week, would war still seem like a good idea?
I don't think we can stop it because there is too much money to be made in warfare to allow the People to interfere.
I think a strike will b ordered, regardless. Hopefully it won't escalate....
(6,057 posts)Humanitarian bombing?
(6,057 posts)Star Trek episode......... and reality of war?
(19,529 posts)Are they right, I wonder?
Can we stand by and let this happen yet again?
Aren't we responsible for what's done in our name?
Not in Our Name, where are you today?
(17,997 posts)It is the decades of letting this happen. I think it is too late.
I honestly believe that the only thing that will cause any change at this point, is a revolution.
This is not the country I grew up in.
(19,529 posts)Last edited Wed Sep 24, 2014, 09:26 AM - Edit history (1)
Updated Sept 24 2014: hey folks, I wrote this post over a year ago. Some things have changed. Some things never do. I'm not against this air war against ISIL. I don't think leaving them alone will bring peace closer. aloha all.
Saul Williams : : Not in my Name - Pledge of Resistance (DJ Spooky remix)
We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names
Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil
Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless
Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for
Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil
Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us
Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil
Not by our will
and Not in our name
We pledge resistance
We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity
We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice freedom and peace
Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real
(17,997 posts)Thanks for posting!
(634 posts)It deals with a planet that is inhabited by two civilizations that have been at war for centuries. Nobody even knew why they were fighting. Over the years, the developed "civilized war"; a computer war game that determined casualties.In other words, they did not actually bomb each other anymore. when the casualty list came out, each side was expected to execute the proper number of citizens to meet the computer's numbers.
The whole point was that I wished that we did it that way, and the only names in the casualty lottery were those that cry out for War.
I am about as anti - bombing as you can get; I'm the asshole that jeered at the crying child video because I hate that manipulative bullshit.
I think most pro bombers think firing a few missiles is no big deal,but I think this has the potential to escalate terribly. I think there is a good chance that Putin will do more than just provide instructions for missiles. He is a cowboy, and he has economic interests to look after.
Thats for another time....
(45,251 posts)I agree that calling your Rep or your Senators or the White House is not going to stop a war.
We have to stop kidding ourselves.
On the other hand I still make the calls and send the emails, not expecting them to do squat. Force of habit I guess. And, if I don't spend too much time on them, or imagine that is all I need to do, I don't think it can hurt.
I wish everyone who thinks that a few thousand calls to DC is going to change policy would watch House of Cads Cards. It's a big game that is being played in the nation's capital and in state houses around the country, even the Mayoral offices of larger cities, like New York and Boston.
Elected officials are not dying for us to make our voices heard so they can finally figure out what we want. They know very well what we want. Peace on earth, goodwill toward humankind--on record for at 2000 years--- jobs, affordable college, affordable health care, healthy food, water and air etc. Figuring out what we want ain't rocket science.
(24,298 posts)such as the evening of Sept 8th
(358 posts)Follow the $$$$$
(24,298 posts)Precisely
(358 posts)gopiscrap
(24,298 posts)Precisely
(358 posts)gopiscrap
(24,298 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)Precisely
(358 posts)This week, a call for prayer and fasting. Although religious, a good example of mass action and attention-grabbing
(96 posts)BVM
(9 posts)No More War!!!
(797 posts)You have a movement that is out to destroy America and western culture in general, you can sit back and watch it grow into something thats entirely capable of fulfilling its objectives or you can take it on now while its still in its infancy.
These people we are fighting are nothing but cold blooded killers who have no respect for life and they want you dead.
(19,529 posts)I kind of agree with you. Things have changed. I don't know what is propaganda and what's reality but the coalition of Arabic countries is encouraging.
No denying we're getting into another war, and it's amazing how our responses have changed over the 11 years since April 2003.
I share your view that this particular group has declared war on us and has to be death with . Abducting the Yazidi and other girls, children and women and selling them particularly got to me, and hearing the voice of the mother who lost two little girls to them, both of whom were kidnapped and presumably sold to become sex slaves. Again, don't know how much is propaganda, but that's the message I'm hearing.
Things have changed. I've changed too.