Taking Twitter away from Nazis and Putinbots CAN be done
And it can be turned into a social media platform for liberation as well.
I am working with a small group on a number of little projects, one of these projects is indeed to do this. This is bigger than just retweeting #resist, this is about exposing systemic flaws, spreading the word on both social and economic policy, and more.
So if you have a Twitter account, retweet these hashtags and add your own to them.
This is what we've got so far.
#Anti_CNP (Exposing the Council for National Policy)
#BinaryThinkingIsUnhealthy (In particular the gender binary)
#DiseaseEradication (Let's push this into the public view, the wholesale eradication of disease should be a goal for our healthcare system, not something to enrich those who have capital and punish those who do not possess it)
#DisparityExposed (News about disparity)
#DowMeansNothing (Maybe the Dow and the stock market shouldn't be used a barometer for how our economy and society is doing)
#DrugTestFraudFile (Carrying over another small project being worked on, the Drug Test Fraud File is all about exposing erroneous drug tests, drug testers themselves behaving badly, actual fraud associated with tests, and more. Logistically speaking, this is the front line of the war on (some people who use some) drugs)
#FoxNewsGasPrices (All about retweeting what Fox News has to say about gas prices, this could be very illuminating, especially since Fox News said low gas prices under Obama was a bad thing, and low gas prices under Trump is great. The more contradictory tweets in sequence are, the better. Read it, you'll see)
#JustSayNoToPo210 (Putin's going to hate this one)
#MedicallyIncorrect (Diseases are not 'punishments', let's push back against this victim blaming and just world hypothesis induced item)
#MessedUpFamilyResearch (News the Family Research Council doesn't want you to know)
#NotTerrorist (We see people going on shooting sprees and being declared not terrorists, let's make it a thing, not-terrorists)
#StopHarmfulFakeTreatments (Exposing conversion therapy)
#WorseThanRadicalMuslims (Let's put a damper on the whole clash of civilizations, global north vs global south, non-Muslim vs Muslim thing the far right and Daesh both want. Retweet news of white supremacists... or kitchen sinks for that matter being dangerous)
More will be coming soon.