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Related: About this forumPlease help spread the word: Fed's Multi-trillion dollar secret bank bailout needs to be publicized!
A few days ago I came across an article on the internet concerning a GAO audit of the Federal reserve-in fact the first one in its nearly century long history. And what the GAO (Governmental Accountability Office) discovered was that the Federal Reserve had engaged in a secret, unilateral bailout of a number of foreign banks the world over to the tune of 16 TRILLION dollars! The loans were aimed at wealthy banks and were given with zero interest. All this was done without any voting, approval from Congress, or any other form of oversight. This is a livid insult to American Taxpayers. If you are not incensed that your tax dollars are going to prop up wealthy banksters in foreign countries, you certainly ought to be.
Adding an additional story to this already towering monstrosity is the fact that there has been virtually no coverage of it in the mainstream press! A handful of Congressmen such as Ron Paul, Jim DeMint and Bernie Sanders are speaking out but without the backing of the voters they can do little. They need our help to see to it that the Fed is held accountable for this multi-trillion dollar heist of OUR money. I'm hereby calling on Democrats, Christians, Taxpayers, Voters, Patriots and Concerned Citizens to help spread the word about this mortal insult to our nation. Unless we demand action the banksters will likely get away with financial genocide.
My original thread containing the link to the article is here:
(Please note that since I placed the article in the wrong topic area it's been closed by admin so you won't be able to post replies. Bare with me-I'm a noob here.)
Please copy the link to this article or a similar one concerning the incident and paste it everywhere. Email it to everyone you know. Place links to it on your Facebook pages. Put it in your blogs. Tweet it. Rant about this on YouTube. My hope is to force it to go viral so that it finally gets the media attention it deserves. You can help make that a reality.
My name is Christopher Melvin. I am opposed to greed, deceit, corruption, elitism and deception.

Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)GopperStopper2680
(397 posts)Thanks for posting the link to the article Jackpine. I'm hoping to get everyone possible to raise as large of a furor about this as possible. If we put enough pressure on the politicians they'll be forced to do something about this or lose votes in epic numbers.