An introduction to me
I've been thinking about a post for a few days and I just knew it would be meandering and my point might get lost. Tonight, I realized, I needed to make this two posts. The first one is for introduction and the second one will be titled Privacy.
So, hi all, I'm Terri and I've been on this site in some form or fashion since about 2003. I bought William Rivers Pitt's book, The Greatest Sedition is Silence: Four Years in America. In the back, he mentioned DU and I came here. This place saved my sanity and I became an activist r/t Bush/Cheney (Cheney/Bush, let's be honest) and came to regard this place as my lifeline. I highway blogged, I redecorated public art to highlight Black Box Voting issues, I worked with Andy Stephenson for a short time and I even tried to work with Bev somebody or other (I'm so glad I can't remember her last name. That twit) until she sold us out.
I went through what I thought was the worst primary season ever and celebrated when Obama was elected. Then things kind of changed around here. I've come to believe that we don't quite know how to do our best work when it's "our team" in the White House. Anyway, I noticed I was drifting away, still here but not always. And, I left completely during the most recent primary.
Well, of course, last week as I watched in horror, I came running back here just to find my beloved DU hacked. As soon as I was able, I did the things necessary to get back on here and I expect to be here for the duration of the current crisis.
The last time around was like grade school. I think it's possible this time it will be more like college or graduate school. Shit is really, real. I'm reporting for duty and I have ideas. I'm looking forward to reading other peoples ideas. We need ideas and we need feet on the ground. I'm going to do both.
And so, on to the next post. Privacy.