Related: About this forumAlabama Secretary of State: Helping More People Vote Would “Cheapen the Work” of Civil Rights Heroes
Automatic voter registration has recently emerged a key tool in increasing the United States anemic voter turnout. The process is simple: Whenever an eligible citizen interacts with a government agency (typically the DMV), she is registered to vote unless she declines. Although automatic voter registration is a nonpartisan initiative, it tends to be favored by Democrats and opposed by Republicans, who believe they fare better in low-turnout races; two Republican governors have already vetoed Democrat-sponsored automatic voter registration bills in Illinois and New Jersey. Now Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, a Republican, has joined the opposition. Asked a question about automatic voter registration, Merrill declared that the practice cheapen[s] the work of civil rights heroes and that just because you turned 18 doesnt give you the right to vote.
Merrill explained his thoughts in an interview with a progressive voting rights initiative called Answering the Call. Asked about automatic registration for people who turn 18, Merrill responded, I dont think that just because your birthday comes around, that you ought to be registered to vote. He then listed a litany of voting rights advocatesincluding Rep. John Lewis, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parksand declared:
These people foughtsome of them were beaten, some of them were killedbecause of their desire to ensure that everybody that wanted to had the right to register to vote and participate in the process. Im not going to cheapen the work that they did. Im not going to embarrass them by allowing somebody thats too sorry to get up off of their rear end to go register to vote because they think they deserve the right because theyve turned 18.
(Lewis strongly supports automatic voter registration and is pushing a bill that would institute the initiative throughout the United States. In 1976, Lewis stood next to President Jimmy Carter as Carter unveiled his plan for nationwide automatic voter registration.)*
To me, Merrill continued, thats no different than giving them a trophy because theyve played on the ball team.
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(196 posts)Shit stains like Merrill are a plague on the Republic.