Judge reschedules trial in Spencer Collier lawsuit against former Gov. Robert Bentley
A Montgomery judge has moved the jury trial in Spencer Colliers defamation lawsuit against former Gov. Robert Bentley from March to September of next year.
Bentley attorney Mark Foley filed a motion asking Montgomery County Circuit Judge Greg Griffin to move the case to December. Foley said the lawyers needed more time to conduct discovery and take depositions from witnesses, among other reasons.
Kenny Mendelsohn, Colliers attorney, opposed the move to December. Mendelsohn said the judge asked the litigants to work out their differences on the schedule. The result was a compromise on the September date, Mendelsohn said. Foley said he thinks the September trial date makes sense.
Collier served as secretary of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency under Bentley for three years until Bentley fired him in March 2016. Colliers lawsuit concerns the circumstances of the firing and the aftermath.
Read more: https://www.al.com/news/2018/12/judge-reschedules-trial-in-spencer-collier-lawsuit-against-robert-bentley.html