Sellouts are running Alabama's environmental agencies. Why don't you care?
Sellouts are running Alabamas environmental agencies. Why dont you care?
Josh Moon
Published 6 days ago
on November 14, 2018
By Josh Moon
There is contaminated tap water in north Alabama.
There are no oysters in the Gulf.
There is poison soil in Birmingham.
There are polluted lakes and rivers throughout the state.
There have been coal ash spills and a stalled poop train and imported toxic waste too dangerous for other states to allow.
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Theres a poison plume running under all of downtown Montgomery.
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This is Alabama Outdoors.
In a state where at least 90 percent of the males hunt or fish with some regularity, and state law requires at least every third car have a Salt Life back window sticker, we dont seem to give two good damns about the actual environment that make those things possible. .....................................