Related: About this forumMax's Deli in Birmingham fights against that stupid "papers please" law
I've never been to Max's Deli, but the food looks delicious.
It's refreshing in this state for a popular business to stand up for basic human rights.
Thank you, Max's Deli. Please save me some corned beef.
(And I also give kudos to the webmaster. This is a visually appealing site that loaded very quickly, even on my puny dial-up connection.)
Thank you so much for sharing my concerns about Alabama's HB 56 immigration law and the hateful rhetoric spurred by my speaking out on this important issue. As a business owner, the law's impact on Alabama's economy deeply concerns me and I am equally concerned about the well-being of my Latino employees and their families. I have been overwhelmed by emails and phone calls from around the world--a strong testament of people's willingness to stand up to intolerance.
I encourage you to take a stand against this law by donating to an organization I strongly support in our community -- the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (!HICA¡). !HICA¡ is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the social, civic and economic integration of Hispanic families and individuals in Alabama. !HICA¡ engages and empowers Alabama's Hispanic community and its numerous cultures as an economic and civic integrator, social-resource connector, and statewide educator. !HICA¡ is the only Latino community based organization in Alabama and therefore is on the front lines of the struggle against HB56. Please consider making a donation to this incredible organization to further their work at this challenging time:
With deepest appreciation,
Steve Dubrinsky

(1,361 posts)It will be good when employers stop completing the stupid I-9 form. It is stupid because the person presenting documents can easily present forged documents. It is another feel-good piece of legislation that does nothing but waste paper.
(14,804 posts)"Max" doesn't really exist, unfortunately. The real owner is named "Steve." I don't know what an I--9 form is.
(60,025 posts)I would assume the form is how they are supposed to do it.
(4,249 posts)Syrinx
(14,804 posts)"They are scared and I can't blame them," he said. "It is affecting a lot of restaurants. It's a mess."
"As far as I know, they are all legal," he said. "I'm not a private investigator. I could make assumptions and resort to racial profiling, but that would be unfair to them. "
October 20.
October 25.
Dubrinsky also faced calls for a boycott from some patrons and a barrage of personal smears on and other online sites, many filled with what he calls false information.
His restaurant was placed on an anti-immigration Web site, and folks from across the country who he says had never eaten at Max's Deli placed negative reviews on his restaurant, driving down once-stellar marks.
Last week, the backlash against Dubrinsky was featured in a story by The Huffington Post and since then, Dubrinsky says he has been overwhelmed by encouragement for his stand by people from across the globe.
I'm not really a fan of Arianna Huffington, nor of her website, but here's an article from it.
Outraged by Dubrinsky's support of immigrants, strangers flooded his inbox with threats to boycott his restaurant, Max's Delicatessen. Typical of the missives Dubrinsky received: "I hope your unamerican establishment closes down!!!!" His restaurant suddenly received dozens of negative one-star reviews on Google, mostly from anonymous first-time posters.
But since late last week, Dubrinsky has witnessed an outpouring of support from a different set of strangers. After reading of Dubrinsky's plight, opponents of the new law have rallied around his deli, leading to one the busiest stretches at the restaurant that Dubrinsky can recall. He tells HuffPost that new diners have been driving from up to forty miles outside the city just to try his reuben and thank him for standing up for Latino workers.
"I've shaken more hands in the last two days than in the previous two years. It's been amazing," Dubrinsky said. "The restaurant has been pretty darn busy."
In case anyone wonders why I'm just posting about this now, when it happened in October: I wasn't really aware of the particular opposition of Max's Deli to the law until now. Friday I picked up a copy of the Birmingham News, which I do from time to time, because I like to read the restaurant and movie reviews. And I noticed an ad for the deli that featured a picture of one of those really tall-ass corned beef sandwiches like they have in New York at places like the Carnegie Deli. It looked delicious. And the ad included the website of the deli, so I went and took a look. I was hoping for some higher-resolution food porn.

Didn't really find that, but did find the somewhat surprising message about the newish immigration law. That's all.
Hopefully Steve is making so much money now with his new supporters that he can afford air conditioning.