A Word of Caution to Democratic Lawmakers Who Want To Appear 'Moderate' With Trump's Cabinet Nominations.
I've noticed a few Democratic Senators and congressmen who are trying to sane-wash Trump's cabinet nominees in an attempt to appear 'moderate.' (Joe Manchin style.) And I've heard pundits defending them by saying they have to worry about their re-election campaigns in purple states, or swing states etc.
Well, I hate to state the obvious, but DON'T BE AN IDIOT!
Do not try to appear 'moderate' by treating Trump's INSANE bucket full of nut cases and assholes as normal during the confirmation hearings. ADVICE AND CONSENT isn't a suggestion. IT'S YOUR JOB to make sure the cabinet officials the President puts in place are SANE and QUALIFIED for the job.
Hegseth, Kennedy, and Patel ARE NOT!
If you think that playing nice with Trump's nominees at the confirmation hearings will make you popular with 'centrists,' you're an idiot!
If you're worried about your re-election prospects two years from now, let me point out something that's obvious to anybody who's spent more than a day watching Trump's behavior.
Six months from now, Donald Trump will be THE MOST UNPOPULAR PRESIDENT in the HISTORY of polling. But he won't be up for re-election two years from now, YOU WILL! And if you ENABLED him, the voters are going to punish YOU for it.
Furthermore, if these idiots somehow get through the nomination process, SIX MONTHS FROM NOW they will have already been FIRED, DISGRACED, and PUBLICLY HUMILIATED by TRUMP HIMSELF! That's the way he works. He governs out of his ass, and when it all caves in on him, he blames it on the idiots that HE APPOINTED to run things. (How fast did Steve Bannon go from being the Che Guavera of the MAGA movement to SLOPPY STEVE? How long did Trump take to drop-kick James Comey, who enabled his election in the first place? How long did it take Chris Christie to regret his endorsement of Orange Caligula? Just remember that when it's YOUR turn.)
So, the least you can do right now, is call these nominees out for the clowns and idiots they are. That will go down on record, and you can play the clip after Trump himself has renounced them.