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Clouds Passing
(4,001 posts)I wish there was a head turning no emoji, as in a disgusted no.
(23,563 posts)Plan accordingly.
(285 posts)And I'm not JUST talking about protecting yourself from an out of control government. I'm talking about protecting yourselves from their supporters.
(94 posts)Nobody is coming to save us. Not the courts, not congress, not law enforcement. Everyone in government, the media, and business is rolling all over themselves trying to get into Trumps good graces while throwing us under the bus in the process. So, since nobody will protect us, well have to protect ourselves. Were on our own, probably for the long haul.
(7,698 posts)With that psycho actively trying to kill more people, after he concealed the danger, continuously lied about it, withheld help for blue states etc. and almost no one did anything to counter him and his insanity.
Baitball Blogger
(49,487 posts)voted for him anyway.
(23,563 posts)I don't see where it does shit.
He wiped his ass with the paper the sentence was written on.
Baitball Blogger
(49,487 posts)Now we all need to bow our heads and take a moment to think about the injustices that Black Americans have suffered from the time they were pulled out of their villages and landed on US territory. This kind of injustice is what they have experienced since the beginning of American history. But it is what Trump and the rest of his kind expect.
But, but, I see one perspective that we should never ignore. What they did quietly and behind doors is now in the open. This is not because they have more power, but because, like a pimple, they are being forced to the surface. The battle that is being waged today is now where we can all see it. They are being bold because the laws are not on their side. So they have to continually break them. The question now is how much damage will they be able to make to this country, before people who voted for Trump realize their mistake?
It's a process. But this country has to go through this trying time in order for it to mature into the great country it was meant to be.
(47,451 posts)joke of a disaster. We have no healthcare yet provide it for others. Our military protects monies interests of the wealthy and powerful. Corporations are taken care of by politicians because they can accept bribe while the voters do without. We are a shithole nation.
(21,004 posts)We're in pretty deep, you're right oranecrush
(49,153 posts)Democracy! We've been manipulated to elect a Trojan Horse. Our legal system couldn't even find a way to keep him out of power!
The effects of the American Revolution are over. We return to foreign control of some kind.
Oh, yes. And the Enlightenment is dead! Those nasty philosophers opining about the human condition and the rights of man are back in their little books and tiny minds.
Real men rule! Men who can commit crimes and shake them off and rise above humanity to determine its destiny.
You pea brains better start your crime wave. Takes a lot of felonies to get elected or appointed to anything.
Think. Again.
(21,646 posts)Resist.
(23,563 posts)Survive.
Priorities, ya know.

(97,986 posts)cannot take away that label.
(432 posts)President and commander in chief, which is what matters. The US is in deep trouble
(97,986 posts)third party or didn't vote.
The country is getting exactly what it deserves. They asked for it. FAFO. The choices could NOT have been clearer, and the country choice a deviant over a good person.
Labor split the vote - we will see how that works out for them.
Latinos split the vote - we will see how that works out for them.
Women did not come out in the necessary number, we will see how that works out for them.
Most of the Israeli-Palestinian protester, and Muslim Americans refused to vote for VP Harris. We will see how that works out for them.
Any of those people that refused to vote for VP Harris, they won't get any sympathy from me if things turn against them.
(244 posts)For him cares hes a convicted felon. In fact, it probably gave him more votes than if he hadnt been put on trial.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)You're exactly right.
The worse of a person Trump showed himself to be, the more many Americans loved and embraced him.
Then they returned him to power to destroy their own country.
That's beyond sick.
(12,518 posts)honorable white man. We must have the most despicable, low life sum of a white man to prove once again, that the very lowest and worst white man is still better than the best decent and upstanding black man. Without Obama having been president, Trump would have never happened. He would not have been able to "insult his way into the white house" as Jeb Bush said.
This is the price we paid for electing Obama to the presidency. And then, oh Lord, we elected him again over a "decent" white man. It's just too much for the American psyche. Now, all bets are off! Rules, laws, ethics, integrity, everything trashed openly in maintenance of white supremacy. With a decent white man, we could still keep up the pretense. But to make it certain and clear, it had to be a despicable white man.
(26,891 posts)after the Supreme Court grants his appeal and overturns his conviction.
(97,986 posts)being in the minority.
and that is ONLY if they hear it and I don't think they will.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Just on general principle.
(97,986 posts)moondust
(20,782 posts)Very strong deterrence.
(18,925 posts)JohnSJ
(97,986 posts)Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)but I was hoping for at least some punishment. Probation, community service, even a hefty fine.
Kid Berwyn
(19,461 posts)More like Tantalus.
We need to re-envision the plot, rewrite the script, and institute a system that serves us -- We the People -- instead of serving us up to the wealthy few NAZIs who've hijacked the game, pay one team and an evidently large part of the other, corrupted all the refs, and stolen the deed to the stadium.
(2,114 posts)a deeply painful time.... I am angry
(24,811 posts)Meowmee
(7,698 posts)I just wonder what it is going to take for someone, anyone at this point, to do something to stop this insanity?
What line has to be crossed, what crimes would be too much?
(83,484 posts)And it is a young thread.
DO NOT give in. This is not the end of our nation as a democratic Republic.
Resistance is paramount. Make your Congresscritters feel the pain of their commitment to this sack-of-shit.
If they go along with some of the proposals T**** comes up with, hit the phones, calmly, but firmly, tell them that their jobs are on the line if the are compliant with the incoming administration. If your critters are D's, they need to hear from you
The only way we can fail as a nation is if we allow it to happen. MAGAts are a small element of the equation. I see non-voters as compliant with what is happening, so it is imperative to start now, on getting them involved.
Face facts, we have been lackadaisical in our efforts, we should be at the forefront of change, not sitting in the dust awaiting some form of positive change. It is our responsibility as citizens to protect democracy and elevate everyone to a higher level equality, and we can only do that if we persevere to produce positive results.
Let us not fall into a grayzone, we have the opportunity to neuter the upcoming administration in 2026. That is our goal now.
Let's get moving and change what we can, locally and nationally.
(19,533 posts)I urge you
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)Maybe post in the Mental Health forum.
Bleating it out in General Discussion is doom-posting. Please take more appropriate measures to help yourself without damaging others by doom-posting in GD.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)I had a friend who, after Trump was elected the first time, went into a serious depression to the point of not being able to get out of bed. She was missing work, neglecting other tasks, not showering. We convinced her to see a therapist and it really did help her. She came out of it and started working in positive ways to affect change in our community.
(528 posts)As my daddy used to say.
(7,698 posts)The whole justice system is a complete farce now, it was deeply flawed before but now its unfathomable. You have a murderer, rapist, insurrectionist, and so on and so on put in charge of the country again and you couldnt do a damn thing to hold him accountable for any of these numerous crimes. He was enabled and let off over and over again by everybody, including voters. At this point in time, you have to start assessing what the hell is wrong with your system.
(57,281 posts)markie
(23,211 posts)
(57,281 posts)

(6,754 posts)There is no other way to explain this.
He put off sentencing for so long, only to let trump walk without punishment.
So i say and believe like so many of you, that Judge Merchan is nothing more than a coward!
(19,003 posts)some federal court judges in the south.. Would of loved to have seen jail time but that would never of happened. 5 to 4 for sentencing. Disappoint somewhat, but, I'll take it. The convicted and sentenced felon can carry that label to his grave now.
Merrick the Meek, 47 months and counting and 9 days for release of Smiths report.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)Can progressives please drop the sexist unscientific metaphor?
(19,003 posts)Have to ever figured out what my months and counting meaning is ?
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)republianmushroom
(19,003 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)republianmushroom
(19,003 posts)Maybe you should change your ways and be more tolerant.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,035 posts)You exposed yourself.
(19,003 posts)Omnipresent
(6,754 posts)He received no punishment.
(23,211 posts)Aileen Cannon is a coward.... many voters are cowards trump is a coward and bully.... Judge Merchan did what he had to do....
(14,722 posts)No riots, few protests. We all thought Trump would be held accountable at some point, just be patient and believe in the system, the courts will hold.
Are we woke yet?
(7,698 posts)People here kept telling me I was an idiot etc. I also just thought they would never have any real accountability for a president who was charged with crime.
I mean, look what they already did, they elected someone whos totally insane and committed multiple crimes and then when he committed even worse crimes while he was the president, they couldnt do anything to hold him accountable, even when they had the one last chance to do something nothing was done.
He was never even charged for anything regarding his worst crime which was murdering millions of Americans with Covid.
I think its more than being a coward. I think some of them have been paid off as well. If not directly then indirectly.
(14,722 posts)Reagan started it with, "The government isn't your friend", and Trump completed the 40 year strategy. Democrats have been way to gullible and too easily manipulated by happy talk from their own leaders. Reagan's Iran Contra, Bush/Cheney torturing of prisoners, the banksters melting down the economy and finally Trump. None were held accountable for their serious crimes, even when we had Democrats in power. I'm sure we'll see more happy talk as the normalization of Trump and our new Oligarchy takes over. Those who challenge Trump Inc. are the ones who will get crushed. Easier to get in line and play along if you want to keep your job and the great perks.
(7,698 posts)There is no amount of normalization that is ever going to cover this **** load of stink and crimes and insanity. Its also more than just happy talk. Its black is white and white is black. There are no facts anymore. There are no realities, etc. crimes are not really crimes and so on.
(13,018 posts)conviction without encroachment on the highest office of the land is a sentence of unconditional discharge." Trump gets off again.
(3,673 posts)I have a friend who didnt rape women or ride on the Lolita express and never stole an election but used his company to buy some parts and when he sold them for personal gain he went to prison. Im sure there are thousands like him who are pi$$ed that this guy walked and continues to lie, strong arm and threaten society while heading back to the White House. Some US citizens have gone to prison for way less than this guy!
(35,078 posts)The Mid-Term. Elections are my last hope. Getting close to my best if used by date.
(11,848 posts)All that fussing and fighting to throw off the shackles of their king (above the law and beholden to no one), and now 249 years later we install one ourselves.
(23,563 posts)His orange majesty.
(42,607 posts)We wont be the last either.
As for me and my house. We are going to fight
(7,698 posts)He cant escape death. Eventually, he will die thank God, if there is one, and I hope Im alive that day. So my advice is get yourself vaxxed up and do everything you can to survive and outlive that ******* pos- that would be some type of a victory.
And thank you.