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Politicus USA
January 4, 2025
The President-Elect has been convicted of 34 felonies and will be sentenced on Friday.
Trump should be celebrating because he will serve no incarceration time, and he will be free to go after the sentencing hearing.
Anyone else who was convicted of nearly three dozen felonies would never get the special treatment that Trump is getting, but Donald Trump thinks that he is entitled to even more special treatment.
Trump posted on Truth Social:
"There has never been a President who was so evilly and illegally treated as I.
Corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors have gone against a political opponent of a President, ME, at levels of injustice never seen before.
Corrupt judges, or judges so blinded by their hatred of me and my political ideology to 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,' are making a mockery of the United States Judicial System, and the World is watching in disgust."

(24,478 posts)I seem to remember Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were attacked and terrorized by repukes with fake scandals and lies!
And dont get me started on them attacking the children of these three excellent ex presidents!
(60,153 posts)Other than Clinton, none were ever indicted for any wrong doing. Arguing that, like Trump, they were attacked muddies the water on Trump's felonies.
One answer might be that Clinton, like Trump had one set of trials dealing with allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior in the Paula Jones case. One difference is that the courts ruled that the Jones case could go on even when he was President. Had that case NOT happened then, there very likely would have been no impeachment.
Like Trump, Clinton was also attacked with the white water allegations. Unlike Trump and his various fraudulent business activities, neither Clinton was ever indicted. Trump University was closed as a fraud even while Trump was President. Trump and many family members can not sit on the board of a NY charity because the Trump Foundation was quilty.
These felonies that he will now be sentenced for were crimes that Trump's own justice department went after Michael Cohen for because Cohen helped him hide payments to Stormy Daniels. If it was a crime for Cohen, how can it be just political that Trump was charged?
There is also the mammoth tax and business fraud case in NYS. That is a civil case, but the Trump business was found guilty and was to pay a huge fine. I haven't heard the status of that case, but I assume it is still out there. The business trial came down to proving fraud using the accounting records from the company. This was not political.
What was political in the same time frame was the Comer hearings that tried to twist anything they could to prove Joe Biden used his positions for political gain. They were desperately seeking something where they could impeach him. They found nothing.
Quiet Em
(1,624 posts)
(19,003 posts)But there has never been as big of a crook as you as President. You should be serving life in prison.
47 months and counting
16 days left Jack, are you going to get it done ?
(431 posts)How will he get those secret papers from the White House down to Mar-a-Lago? This is the question anyone knows about.
(33,598 posts)And, yes. The World IS watching in disgust--that your filthy, felonious ass was given a second turn at the presidency. All of decent humanity is vomiting our asses off. Go fuck yourself, you whiny sack of shit.
(1,806 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,578 posts)the Judge is giving him.
(1,876 posts)you mean like Aileen Cannon? Scalia and Thomas?
(97 posts)That once he is sentenced he will be able to appeal and Ill bet that some judge will overturn this verdict.
Wouldnt it have been better to postpone sentencing until he is done being in the white house.
Imagine what its gonna be like if the verdict is overturned.
red dog 1
(30,367 posts)
(604 posts)America will never be great as long as your sorry ass walks among us.
(64,855 posts)All he needs to do is heave himself into an active volcano. Everyone wins.
a kennedy
(32,961 posts)🤬 🤬 🤬
(57,596 posts)NYC Liberal
(20,396 posts)not had a heart attack or a stroke yet?
(10,976 posts)and has been since the verdicts came down in May. What's left now is the sentencing. I doubt he'll get jail time - I'd be happy if he got a fine of $10,000 per count - or any number of dollars per count.
(138,409 posts)A Worthless humanoid being.
(1,017 posts)convicted felon just like his son-in-law's dad.
(4,393 posts)Whining (R) is his thing.
Kinda pathetic. But it's music to magat ears.
(16,362 posts)He "is" a convicted felon.
(23,296 posts)Like him being impeached.... Meaningless. Didn't matter to him at all.
Seriously how will being a "convicted felon" hurt him?
(60,153 posts)I agree that it did not stop him from becoming President in 2016 or now. It won't put him in jail.
The only thing it does is make this narcissist angry that not everyone refused to hold him accountable. Even if this is appealed or he pardons himself, he will know that some people will still see him as a felon and guilty of paying off a porn star and trying to hide it. Consider that like his most clueless supporters, his own self image is likely as distorted as those posts that show him as God's chosen and also much fitter and better looking than the man he sees in the mirror.
(57,281 posts)