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Yesterday, Wednesday December 18, 2024, the US House of Representatives voted to shut down the government this Friday. Why? Because an un-elected member of our government, a man who will not be able to get full security clearance because of his drug habits, a man who, apparently only sleeps a couple of hours a night, who is, maybe the richest person in the world, this man tweeted to the Republicans who were going to vote for the bill, that he would fund primary's against them if they did. They complied, so currently, today, this Thursday, there is no bill being passed that will keep the US government open past Friday December 20, 2024. Oh my.
I reckon, now the Repubs and Dems will be working furiously to see what can be cobbled together in the next 36 hours. The Republicans have done this before, but this time, instead of it being a blackmail ploy by the House itself, often posturing to keep their more conservative voters appeased, this time it is driven by the owner of a car company who uses a social media app to threaten others. And he also uses his social media app to send out not only distortions of the truth, but often complete fabrications, which his 207 million subscribers believe and further disseminate.
I have just re-read Sheri Teppers Gibbonss Decline and Fall 1, a novel set in the US where a group of women meet in college and stay friends throughout their lives. The hero is a being who lives on this earth, but her species evolved differently from humans. They still live here amongst us, unseen, protecting themselves from the encroachment of humans (who have a history of killing those who look different from them). The hero helps her friends defeat the monstrous entity that threatens everyone.
So I am reading this and seeing so many parallels between what Tepper was writing about and what we are seeing now in the US. We have a group of very rich people, mostly men, who are intent on getting more, and more, and more, and have no intention of knowing the damage they are inflicting on all of us, inflicting on the population that actually allows those people to be as rich as they are.
In the Book of Revelation, John of Patmos wrote about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 2, Pestilence, War, Death, and Famine. In our time, with the appointment of someone suspicious of medicine as the head of the Department of Health; the appointment of someone who has never commanded an army to the post of Secretary of Defense; the appointment of a person supportive of Putin to be head of national intelligence; and the appointment of an immigration hard-liner as Homeland Security secretary, the four horses are galloping towards us at full speed.
When I was growing up, living in the convent, Sister Joseph, when I was misbehaving, would say to me, what she said was a Chinese curse, May You Live In Interesting Times 3. Turns out, it isnt Chinese but was said by someone who, in the early 20th century, was a British diplomat in China. But whatever the provenance, these times are way too interesting.
(3,697 posts)If he let's this interference stand, he has ZERO chance of getting anything accomplished thru normal House order. Maybe that is the new reality but given possible affect on the US credit rating, constituents impacted, economy dinged, debt increased, etc., the blowback that will land at the Repug doorstep could be a real bad way to start a new administration and Congress. While I am sure Trump couldn't reason thru this on his own, I have to believe a few advisors might be pointing out the downsides.
(73,688 posts)the ones who will tell him he will LOSE lots of money --if he does or does not do something.
(38,718 posts)Big Sheri Tepper fan here. I remember Gibbon's vaguely, but I remember I enjoyed it quite a bit. I read almost all of her books, maybe not her last few titles. "Those who will not share, will serve," I remember the cover of that book but not the title. Great story! "Grass" was my first Tepper. What an amazing world she wove with that one.
I saw this election as women & the men who love them vs men who hate women. But this chart here? Damn! The segments from women going to Trump should have been skinny, little ribbons, not almost half! WTF?!
(15,094 posts)1. So-called religious leaders who lost their influence in the 60's with their Calvinist nonsense, mainly about free sex (while they indulged widely in it) and looked to force their views and MCP (Money-Collecting Power) on others with secular power.
2. Oligarchs who made a deal with them and grifting politicians. They even got together and invented a new God.
3. Grifting politicians who revel in the money and like the above, have no moral compass, nor depth too low to sink to, and our old friend:
4 Racism, the tie that binds the GOP, even since "The Southern Strategy" a.k.a. racism became their chief vehicle, also having become irrelevant to most.
The fact that racism and hate became "The New Gospel" is especially disgusting and sacrilegious.
Now, the parallels to fascist regimes, wannabe's and their playbook are very close.
What fools.
Hate is visceral. It shuts down your heart and your mind.
And it works.
Tricking people into believing some "Apocalyptic Vision" in which their hate, bigotry, intolerance and violence would be "rewarded" and the "libs" crushed, is a great cult tactic, and very twisted and manipulative.
(9,056 posts)or some talking head slips up and says "President Musk". He is, apparently, already the
de facto President-elect.