General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRegarding the new forum that I proposed recently...
In a recent announcement I noted that we were considering opening a new top-level forum to discuss the future of the Democratic Party, and where the left goes from here.
We have had "floating" top-level forums in the past -- you may remember the old "General Discussion: Politics" forum from years ago, or the various primary and election post-mortem forums that we've set up from time to time when needed -- so this is not unprecedented.
Now that Trump has returned to the White House as a lame duck, but with heightened powers and clearly intent on revenge, the paradigm has shifted significantly. The Democratic Party is looking to new, younger leaders, and seeking new strategies and ideas to compete in the age of Trump. We should be able to talk about those new ideas here.
In addition, we have already seen numerous discussions expressing dissatisfaction with the way some Democrats have been handling the presidential transition period, and it's likely that these discussions will continue after Trump takes office. I believe that we should not be afraid to have these discussions either, as Democrats chart a new course forward.
So I'm not proposing a new forum because I want to bury the conversation -- on the contrary, I think this is a conversation we should very much be having, which is why I think this should be a top-level forum. But I'm mindful of the fact that not all DUers appreciate this kind of discussion, so moving them out of General Discussion for the most part, and giving them their own space, seems like it would be helpful to both the people who want to participate, and the people who don't.
Concerns about the rules
I suspect that some of you may have questions about how the "Don't Bash Democratic Public Figures" rule might be enforced in such a forum. As you know, we employ a unique community moderation system which relies on the input of all members, which means that the system slowly evolves and changes over time to reflect the overall feelings of the community. It's been clear over the past eight years that the community at large has been far less tolerant of criticism of Democrats, and I totally get that. For the past eight years the Democratic rank-and-file has been unusually united due to the threat of Donald Trump.
But we are entering new territory now. Assuming America is still America by then (unfortunately, an assumption that may prove flawed) we will have mid-terms in 2026, and then both parties will engage in lengthy, combative primaries, with a large cast of characters seeking to replace the old guard. All of this is likely to bring more contentious discussions to DU.
With that said, bear in mind that the current DU rules were created during an extremely contentious time -- the aftermath of the 2016 primaries -- and they were written specifically to handle these kinds of debates.
If you take a look at the "Don't Bash Democratic Public Figures" rule, it's split into two parts. The second part deals entirely with criticism of Democrats during election season.
Right now, we are about as far away from an election as it is possible to get, so the above section is not particularly relevant. Now let's look at the first section of the rule:
This is just common sense. We have people with many differing points of view on DU, and people have a variety of feelings about Democratic politicians. But we're not going to be able to have a sensible debate if people are throwing out things like "Genocide Joe" or "Fuck Bernie Sanders." That is explicitly what this rule is intended to combat.
In fact, if you look at the section of the rule called, Why we have this rule, it says this:
So when handling appeals on removed posts in the new forum, I would certainly err on the side of allowing critical discussion -- since that would essentially be the purpose of the forum -- while prohibiting outright bashing. (As ever though, Juries will determine where the "fuzzy line" of acceptability is, so the more extreme your comments, the more you take your chances with a Jury.)
A name for the new forum
Assuming people are still up for this idea, here's where I'd like to get your suggestions. If anyone has an idea for a new name for this forum, please reply and let me know! If we get a number of good suggestions and I can't decide which is best, I may put it up for a vote. Just bear in mind that the name should be concise.
Thanks for reading!
(PS. Since this is an Admin-led debate about DU policies and one rule in particular, you may consider the "Don't interfere with forum moderation" rule temporarily suspended on this thread. That said, I would very much appreciate it if people could make the effort to keep the discussion on topic.)

Noel Kums
(90 posts)Hekate
(96,610 posts)I like yours as well
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Democracy, The Path Forward!
Until we get unlimited money out of owe political system, how do we do that?
(51,081 posts)We are a combination of corporatocracy and kakistocracy
(39,206 posts)Thanks for your positivity.
(6,041 posts)we have a Democratic president and Democratic majority in the Senate. How did they get there?
I'm so sick of the negativity and "give up" attitude around here.
This kind of sorry-assed tail between your legs attitude gets nobody anywhere.
(6,041 posts)progressoid
(51,081 posts)In a 2015 interview, former President Jimmy Carter stated that the United States is now "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" due to the Citizens United v. FEC ruling, which effectively removed limits on donations to political candidates.[21] Wall Street spent a record $2 billion trying to influence the 2016 United States elections.
(Yes I copy pasted from WIki )
Add a general dumbing down and fear mongering of the American electorate and you get idiots electing corporate overlords.
Of course, I never said anything about giving up.
It's time to fight a new battle.
(39,206 posts)Decides what we are or are not?
Jimmy has the right to his opinion and he has a point, but I would not phrase it like that. Be careful what you think because you can easily become it.
This attitude fits the definition of Timothy Snyder's admonition about handing it over without them even asking.
(51,081 posts)I'm just someone typing on a keyboard during my lunch break.
I'd suggest that I am not the one that Snyder was talking about. There are tens of millions of voters who have already done that. They willfully wore diapers to Trump rallies and cheer on Joe Rogan & Elon Musk.
BTW Jimmy was 91 when he said that. You might not phrase it that way but it here and needs to be addressed. IMHO, platitudes about "Democracy" aren't going to cut it. This is a new age.
(189,243 posts)
Lulu KC
(7,335 posts)
2nd post, in super early. Well done!

Prairie Gates
(4,408 posts)iemanja
(55,655 posts)And you could put it in your trash can.
Dennis Donovan
(29,637 posts) the top of my head.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)NewHendoLib
(60,991 posts)ancianita
(39,943 posts)We've half heartedly adopted the 50-State Strategy in the past. How we might improve on that, or come up with a Youth Vote Strategy sounds like a base we can expand on.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)Or something very close to it
(21,236 posts)I like yours and BumRushDaShow's the best.
(9,657 posts)Looking forward to seeing the new forum.
(15,874 posts)UpInArms
(52,276 posts)from Mice and Men
(14,458 posts)I'm feeling it. Even the young voters are feeling it.
And though I won't attack a Democratic candidate, I do feel the need to criticize the "strategists" and fund raising techniques. Anyone else get sick of the doomsday spam?
(39,943 posts)iemanja
(55,655 posts)that our role is to demonstrate fealty to all Democrats, regardless of their actions or mistakes. A new forum would be good so people like you wont have to feel burdened by discussions of possible changes to the party.
proud patriot
(101,673 posts)
(96,610 posts)Think. Again.
(21,666 posts)...but I also think the term "Roundtable" would set a bit of a collaborative tone for what could become a contentious forum.
And I hope this isn't inappropriate to say, but I just want to express a concern that this forum may become a lightening rod for trolls, so I wonder if additional alertable rules might be considered for this particular forum.
Edit to add:
I just saw the word "Trailblazing" in another OP and I wonder if that would be a good forum name?
(22,770 posts)I do not believe additional rules are necessary. As noted, the current DU rules were written during a time of great division in the party, and they were written specifically to deal with the highly contentious situation that we found ourselves in at the time.
Perhaps the biggest problem with the rules these days is that a lot of people have forgotten what they actually say. That's partly why I posted a reminder of what the "Don't bash..." rule says. And as mentioned, I would consider greater leeway when handling appeals of posts removed under that rule in the new forum, so that DUers aren't punished just for criticizing Democrats.
I think MIRT does an excellent job weeding out new trolls, so I'm not worried about that. The problem with intra-party debate, really, is that people often like to yell "troll" when someone is just disagreeing with them. In my experience, that tends to cause more problems than actual trolls do.
To be honest, what I'm proposing was basically the norm on DU for most of its existence. It's only been in the age of Trump that DUers have been far more united, and with that, more unwilling to tolerate criticism. I don't particularly like infighting, but I also think that we need space for more contentious debates going forward, because those debates are going to happen whether we like it or not. If we're going to argue over the future direction of the party, now is the time to do it -- when we're about as far from an election as we can get. Then once we get close to elections again, I expect people will be ready to tighten the reins. This push-pull has always existed on DU.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)when there was far more criticism of Democrats. Much of it I disagreed with but it was healthy nonetheless, imo.
(25,190 posts)Or, Roundtable Trailblazers.
(2,105 posts)chia
(2,499 posts)Merriam-Webster defines vanguard as "the forefront of an action or movement"
(33,054 posts)KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)"F**k repugs" is probably out of the running.
(7,309 posts)Fuck repugs!!
(5,863 posts)Not really serious . . . but not really kidding either.
(177,384 posts)This is great.
allegorical oracle
(4,290 posts)Mike 03
(18,211 posts)and this forum idea, I'm in awe of your productivity and creativity during a time when I'm finding it hard to ignite much of either.
I like this idea. I also believe that we can have these discussions without resorting to derogatory phrases. The key is to participate in good faith. And I think for the most part DUers demonstrate good faith (we all have our failing moments, though).
It might take some time for this forum to heat up. I just know that for myself and most of the people I know there is some exhaustion and some demoralization that has not yet lifted.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)Blueprint: A way forward.
(148,663 posts)and maybe that same naming format might be good for a new top-level entity for legacy purposes, perhaps as something like -
It could cover critiques of policies, platforms, candidates, talking points, and types of/means for messaging, etc.
(21,236 posts)
(36,572 posts)Cherokee100
(355 posts)How about, 'Dems with a backbone'. Or 'no more mister nice guy'.
(122,596 posts)Once again, EarlG, our deepest thanks for you and Elad and all you do to make DU the amazing community it is!
(355 posts)How about, 'Dems with a backbone'. Or 'no more mister nice guy'.
(3,399 posts)I chuckled out loud at that one!
speak easy
(11,267 posts)Exactly. The current DU rules were drafted to protect Bernie Sanders from criticism.
(7,309 posts)Bernie isn't a Democrat. It was, I believe, to quiet many of us in our criticism of HRC.
This rule also applies to Independents who align themselves with Democrats (eg: Bernie Sanders).
(7,309 posts)speak easy
(11,267 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)From progressives like me.
speak easy
(11,267 posts)a provision written for him. If this was not designed to protect him, what was it supposed to do?
(7,309 posts)Many of us were very critical of HRC in the primary. Myself included. They just included Bernie because he caucased with Democrats.
(308,425 posts)there in Black & White. Also We lived it.
Happy New Year to You!
(20 posts)..New Horizons..
Democratic New Horizon.. or Progressive New Horizons
The New horizons phrase generally refers to new opportunities, or prospects.
And Id course Democratic since its the Democratic Party. Though Progressives used in many cases.
Regards to all.
(24,961 posts)Somewhat short, but it's a start.
(6,958 posts)
Prairie Gates
(4,408 posts)My reservations are few. There is a rather sizable cadre of posters who have skirted the existing rule quite skillfully - some have never posted a positive thread about a Democrat ever, but will absolutely dominate threads - often in groups - with negative posts. Those posters will have a field day in the new forum. That's fine. It would be nice if they could migrate to it en masse, and the "Don't Bash" rule be more enforced (even heightened) in the other forums. That would be keeping in the spirit of separating the forum to let those who want to go all bare-knuckled do so in that space, a la GD: Politics. Unfortunately, I think once the dam breaks on criticism of Democrats and Democratic party policy, it's going to flood the site as a whole, making it essentially useless to its original purpose. There's already the sense in your description that juries will be urged to err on the side of license, which will then apply to the site as a whole.
I think if the "Don't Bash" rule goes in that forum, then there should also be a loosening of some of the other rules. It feels like unilateral disarmament otherwise. I think we need to dispense with any illusions that a forum of the kind you're describing will be anything other than a streetfight. So, yes, by all means. Let those of us who are up for it actually fight.
(7,309 posts)There's no need for name calling or personal attacks for our Democratic members, either leaders or each other. I believe most of us agree that we are Democrats for a reason and that kindness and civility are the basis of our participation in this party.
Critical thinking, reason and civil debate about policy are needed to move forward. I am definitely in the category of Democrats who want to move in a more progressive direction and the ability to debate this issue with facts, not derision, is necessary.
Thank you admins for this opportunity to express my vision for the future of this party.
(3,995 posts)Maybe a bit arrogant.
Very concise.
(308,425 posts)seen so much of the last few days is Going Out of the Way to Bash Dems & Dem Public Figures.
Like a free for all and it's very Disheartening. Imagine how our Leaders on the Front Lines, trying to Hold Back Fascism, Feel.
Thank You & Elad for All You're Doing to Turn This Ship Around!
(1,020 posts)Clean and simple. Thanks for all you do, EarlG.
H2O Man
(76,275 posts)I'll start by saying that I thought the Harris campaign was one of the best I've seen. I was fully confident she would win. Now I think that it was very good, but there is a need to talk about the mistakes ..... things that should have been done, things that shouldn't have. That obviously goes beyond the candidate. So long as discussions are respectful, it should be a good conversation.
Escape and Evasion.
(11,084 posts)AKwannabe
(6,645 posts)Talked about Roundtable above.
Democratic Roundtable gets my vote.
It could have 2025-2028 in the title or in the forum rules.
Roundtable does seem to give a brainstorming vibe.
My two cents on Think. Again s idea.
(6,645 posts)Recd
Thanks Earlg et al for all you admins do
From Skinner Mode.
Have a good holiday - if you can!!
Thats my mantra this year.
So dejected I cant say happy anything!
(6,884 posts)Circle of Equals (kudos who get that reference).
Fight Club
Wrestling Ring....oh wait, that's all staged.
Sorry, just wanted to have a little fun on a Monday.
(164 posts)The first rule of Fight Club is "you do not talk about Fight Club.".
(88 posts)If there are no way to get these ideas to the policy makers or party leaders.
question everything
(49,741 posts)(I may paraphrase, do not remember the precise terms)
Think. Again.
(21,666 posts)msfiddlestix
(8,009 posts)babylonsister
(171,894 posts)That's what it will all be about, so why not?
Response to EarlG (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(34,229 posts)Bleacher Creature
(11,493 posts)GP6971
(34,229 posts)sheshe2
(90,329 posts)
Response to sheshe2 (Reply #105)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(15,470 posts)Start your own.
(19,385 posts)Welcome to DU. Enjoy your short stay.
(2,840 posts)Polybius
(19,385 posts)I was a lurker back then, and fondly remember it. Perhaps we should just call it that? Or maybe General Discussion: Elections.
(35,055 posts)I liked that from one of the posters above, sort of combined with your idea of keeping it GD focused.
We can use new strategy, I think that much we can agree on (or at least most of us can)
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)I think it should be something short and easy to say that reflects the purpose without shouting out to trolls.
(3,496 posts)How about Strategy Roundtable?
It suggests putting our heads together and brainstorming with a common purpose of improving our chances of winning elections.
(35,055 posts)it definitely feels collaborative.
Seeking Serenity
(3,145 posts)Or "Red-Pilling the Next Democratic Generation" lol
(2,504 posts)or maybe,
"Winning Elections against Weirdos, Imbeciles and Nutjobs" (WE WIN)
(48,438 posts)
Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)Implicit in the name is new leadership
(11,685 posts)Revitalization or even Reimagining The Democratic Party. It's not as if we need to start from the ground up; the basic building blocks, pillars and values are intact. It's the vision thing for the future we need to work on and how to effectively, clearly and concisely communicate that to our fellow Americans.
I answered a post over at Kos yesterday, a poster who suggested every Democratic rep and senator need (in addition to the vision thing) to be far more aggressive in pointing out every misstep of the Trump Administration, explaining ad infinitum what half-ass policy and unqualified candidates do to muck up the system and ultimately hurt American citizens, costing them more money, endangering their health, their security, their families. Every spot before a microphone is an opportunity to whip the message.
The GOP has used this tactic endlessly, even when the information is-in-your face wrong and the mouthpieces sound like robots. Whether we like it or not? Repetition works. We're at the point where we need to fight fire with fire.
And when our alerts about half-assed policy and unqualified people-in-power bear fruit, as they most certainly will, we need to underscore our previous warnings with a gentle : We tried to warn y'all. Or perhaps more bluntly: We told you so.
So yeah, there's a lot of things we can discuss and analyze and try out. And the time is now because we know what's coming.
(35,737 posts)The Democratic Party is looking to new, younger leaders, and seeking new strategies and ideas to compete in the age of Trump.
(55,655 posts)I appreciate your post and agree with your logic. I look forward to the new forum.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)betsuni
(27,612 posts)The big advice, Democrats should:
be more like Republicans
shouldn't only be "we're not Republicans"
shouldn't be Republican lite neoliberal neoliberal neoliberal
should've stopped all the bad things, that means they didn't want to
are to blame for every bad thing that has happened in the last 40 years at least
people whine about search for Goldilocks magic messaging words that don't exist and cling to conviction magical stern speeches promising to "stand up to" and "fight for" will instantly make voters stop voting against their own economic advantage -- it's easy -- words, not actually doing anything (incrementalism bad) are the most important thing
rich liberals must buy a nation-wide media empire like Republicans have been building since the 70s and force everyone to listen -- easy! while demonizing wealthy people as cartoon villains
if Democrats talk too much about accompaniments they are dumb and think everything's fixed and don't have to do anymore and must be harshly scolded (teach them a lesson)
even though the less money people have the more likely they vote for Democrats, the party is all wealthy elites with no idea of who the American working class is
Obama and Biden administrations were most diverse and progressive up to that point in history (Kamal's would've been too) but lying and calling them old centrist elites who must be replaced made it true
get polarization started early and haul all the insults for Democrats out of the closet, especially "establishment" -- vital to create a fake different between Democrats (corrupt establishment elites) and "progressives" (anti-establishment morally pure) for the next election (when goals are the same viciously attack other ways to accomplish them with purity tests -- they'll do it with Medicare for All again) -- and never mention Republicans control Congress (never mention reality in general)
whine about Democrats not giving away their plans for the future in public to enemies -- assume nothing is being done and nobody is doing anything
waste of time
(6,645 posts)Earlg doesnt deserve this.
(36,572 posts)are in danger of seeing our country destroyed . Save America First is my suggestion .
(8,178 posts)Only name that comes to mind.
Algernon Moncrieff
(5,961 posts)Self-criticism sessions producing written statements detailing our ideological errors and affirming our renewed belief in the party line.
(20,237 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 17, 2024, 04:18 PM - Edit history (1)
Lunabell 's
Blueprint: A way forward
I'd add
Democrat Blueprint: A Way Forward
Thanks Earl G & Elad
I realize on re-reading that the use of "Democrat" echoes the RW insult "the Democrat Party" but it's Not meant that way.
Was thinking "Democratic Blueprnt" - even though we discussing it know what it refers to; but someone seeing first time might also think it could be referring to Democracy (which we Do want save!) vs The Democratic Party.
Just to be clear.
But if folks like
Democratic Blueprint: A Way Forward,
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)Even a gigantic tent needs to travel with purpose in a single direction.
(24,478 posts)But you jeed to just have a topic forum that is beyond their comprehension. With a title beyond them getting it !
(11,848 posts)Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)I don't recall forum labels on alerts. What may be considered critical discussion in this new forum may be considered bashing Democrats in GD. If the purpose in this forum is to permit more critical discussions than in other parts of DU, it would be helpful for the jury to know that.
(421 posts) the moderators can just vent to each other without being alerted by some of the moderators who cannot abide by any criticism?
(4,243 posts)Because there are no moderators.
(48,438 posts)just FFR'ed via 5 hides. Also, when an OP is locked.
(642 posts)This will require analysis, dialog, open-mindedness and commitment. And in the process, we will build a stronger, more vibrant and responsive Democratic Party.
(57,419 posts)I liked New Horizons, but would just call it Horizons, since the very idea implies whats ahead, and not whats behind.
Id also tread lightly with certain subjects that always lead to conflict. E.g. Sanders, capitalism, wealthy (in the eye of the beholder, anyway) people. Absolute beatification will lead (indeed, usually leads) to absolute demonization, and will drag discussions down into the mud. Again: tread lightly, and stick to domestic, i.e. American subjects. There are plenty of forums for the Middle East (e.g.), whose discussions which will not in the least help us flip House districts in Arizona or Kansas. Without progress on THOSE horizons, we dont even get a voice on the rest.
New is redundant.
(5,077 posts)Democrats: Intra-party Debate.
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)This will be open season for infiltrators.
(2,996 posts)less ad hominem attacks
I submit "Democratic Party Futures: Open Discussion"
(1,444 posts)Or Regenerative Democrats
Im a big believer in regenerative agriculture
+ Dems are having growing pains
I think this covers a lot of territory
Thanks for doing this, EarlG
(519 posts)Survive
(3,354 posts)No long wordy statements. Something concise and to the point quickly.
(7,338 posts).... able to track suggestions in a list.
It might help focus on some main tracks people are pondering.
Renew Deal
(83,646 posts)There is currently a thread based on a made up quote from Musk's mother. There was another misleading outbreak about Liz Cheney and firing squads a couple months ago. There are plenty of other examples out there.
DU is less useful and reliable if it's littered in false information. Are there any plans to improve the ability to deal with this?
(18,014 posts)DJT and reactions to DJT have never, for one day, been out of the headlines. There is no reason to believe that won't continue, the man is a vampire for attention. Thus, I think the idea that "we're about as far away from an election as we can get" is incorrect. This doesn't alter the idea that Democrats need to be free to discuss openly perceived successes and failures (and good and bad Democrats), rather that the "no unfavorable comments during election season" concept is obsolete.
The Democrats have a number of figures whose only real virtue is that they aren't RW radicals. I don't think that acknowledging that fact is "bashing," it's just realistic. So the suggested new forum ought to be a vehicle for such discussions.
-- Mal
(6,542 posts)My suggestion.
(63 posts)WheelWalker
(9,308 posts)Navigating the fork in the path.
(704 posts)I think you have to make the intent of the forum clear in the title.
I have to say I'm doubtful people will be given much leeway. Simply saying juries should "lean more" toward allowing criticism won't change the current oversight.
(34,502 posts)Redirecting or Redirection? Not sure that really works but it seems we have our bearings but can never quite get a strong collective going. May not make sense, got a nasty head cold and am emersed in TOMMY at the moment but our direction is correct just never really solid or strong enough to stand on. We will have to fight this out and it will not be pretty but I think this is an excellent idea. It will be helpful for our party to not be in such a mess all the time and hopefully we would come out with firm ideas that include all of us.
I wanted to participate but I have a head full of cotton and a throat full of ick so I hope there was something here. Back to The Who and Tommy.
1 more thing. The redirection thing is basically for us to all hash it out and bring it to our leaders. That might help all of us to feel the part we play is important because it is supposed to be everything and it rarely does it feel that way. We need to figure it out. We can I think the other side, the lazy voter part, has mostly given up and just votes for the worst and to them that is the best then they can rest. We can't let that happen to us.
New times, lets direct them. We have our groups already we just need to direct them and get solid. I hope this does not sound like the overdose of cold medicine I took an hour ago!
Wild blueberry
(7,477 posts)Short and active. Motto of Wisconsin.
Thank you for starting this, EarlG.
(63 posts)summer_in_TX
(3,496 posts)Will you go through the suggestions and then poll (after eliminating the ones that are too long) or ?
(237 posts)Explanation:
Rebuild the Party infrastructure - Support ALL State/Territorial Dem organizations so they have the resources to:
Recruit new Dems & State/Local Candidates and
Reconnect to their electorate on an ongoing basis, not just before Presidendial Primary and General elections