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The New York Times has published the most inane op-ed after the shooting of the UnitedHealthcare CEO.
Critics are torching a New York Times op-ed Friday by the chief of UnitedHealthcares parent company, arguing that the $23.5 million-salaried executives message overwhelmingly ignored the failures actively perpetuated by his company in the American health care system.
UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty condemned the American publics gleeful response to the death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, who was assassinated by a masked gunman last week on the streets of New York City just hours before an investor meeting.
In roughly 600 words, he also attempted to deflect his insurance networks responsibility in the growing inequity in Americas health care system, vaguely pointing to a patchwork of failures decades in the making while swearing that his corporate networkwhich reported $22 billion in profits in 2023 alone, nearly three times the figure reported by CVS, the second-most-profitable health insurance company that yearwas consistently fighting to deliver high-quality care and lower costs.
But readers werent buying it.
Instead, they swarmed the Times with negative feedback, piling on more than 2,500 comments within hours of the articles publication, temporarily disabling its Comments section. Users shared their own horrible experiences with the health insurance industry, deriding Wittys vapid analysis as a self-serving essay that did nothing to address UnitedHealthcares role in a system that prioritizes shareholder profits over successful medical outcomes for its clients.

(47,451 posts)Initech
(104,074 posts)
(65,595 posts)They have no idea what life is like for the average person.
ETA: At the same time they lie a lot.
(39,206 posts)for the 3 tech execs to fork over a million to dump's inauguration fund. Do they have any idea how corrupt this looks?
(65,595 posts)The billionaire corruption and bribes of politicians and judges are totally out in the open.
The Supreme Court has ruled that bribe money is just a tip for a job well done.
Before the job is even done.
So it is all legal I guess.
In Russia and China bribes and corruption are common place and just the way business and politics are done.
They think we are losers for following the laws and rules.
(39,206 posts)one with Bezos. I heard from someone in the know that Trump pressured Bezos very intensely and it wasn't an easy decision for Bezos. Apparently he reluctantly gave in because trump could really hurt him on the tariff situation. All the Chinese crap he's busy selling.
Zuckerberg, sure, no problem. He knows and doesn't care. He's said and demonstrated as much on other occasions. I read Kara Swisher.
Regardless, I can live without Amazon and Amazon Music so they are gone in my world. Nobody is indispensable.
(65,595 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 14, 2024, 10:07 PM - Edit history (1)
Bezos caved in, he gave Trump a bribe to get protection from the tariffs.
This is a bribe, paying protection money to prevent harm.
At the end of the day he is no better than the others kissing Trump's ring.
If I only reluctantly agree to commit a crime or engage in wrong doing, it is just as wrong as
the guy who did it wholeheartedly.
ETA: Searching your soul before you commit a wrong doing seems worse, you actually checked your conscience
and did the bad thing anyway.
(39,206 posts)or you started wheezing from the chokehold.
Oops, meant to add this quote from a 2022 wsj article:
Starlinks approach is similar to those of Britains OneWeb and Inc., which plans to roll out its low-orbit satellite network over the next few years. The SpaceX business also competes with more established companies offering internet service using satellites stationed deeper into space such as Viasat Inc.
I would like to see musk have some competitors, even if it is Bezos.
(65,595 posts)Bezos is worth $300B and his kids won't starve or have to drop out of school if he loses half his income.
I understand people sometimes have to do what they have to do to pay bills or feed hungry children.
Bezos is not one of them.
He has sold his soul to the devil to keep his vast wealth which he cannot even spend
in his lifetime or his heirs in many generations.
It is very naive of Bezos to think that paying Trump a huge bribe will allow him to compete
with Trump's boyfriend Musk.
If this is why Bezos prostituted himself for Trump, he is a total fool.
(39,206 posts)wealth. It's how Bezos himself sees the situation with competition.
(25,498 posts)The delay in finding his soul produced the delay in him giving in, without a doubt.
Like Rush said, "Big Money got no soul...."
(8,022 posts)Bezos ? The world revolves around Amazon. A lot of regular "working class" people will be pissed if prices go up and that will hurt trump more than Bezos. He will survive but choose to cave to a fascist regime.
(3,201 posts)Oh, now you will only have 0.98 zillion dollars?
(1,211 posts)next level and not "losers for following the laws and rules"?
(65,595 posts)That would be the 99% who are not top tier.
(17,569 posts)bdamomma
(67,671 posts)can't understand how we get up each morning and go to work every day, and do the things we do. They just don't get it. They feel like they are privileged and we do not deserve anything.
Makes me think of this: The meek shall inherit the earth,
(65,595 posts)millions of dollars of fun money.
sure there will be a power struggle for all those 1% percenters.
(65,595 posts)All the corrupt wealthy and political leaders fighting and throwing each other out of windows in Russia.
In China people just disappear, never to be seen again.
(14,718 posts)
If we eat just one, they might fall in line? lol
Which makes me think of a subconscious thread of zombie hoard movies, etc... are "we" the zombies in that scenario? If so, then those who live in the gated communities see themselves as the ones who are truly human...? iiiinnnnteresting...
(668 posts)When the time comes, they all need to be eliminated, or they will grow stronger. There is no rational reason for the rich to be that rich, and it is never enough.
(48,013 posts)
(14,718 posts)

Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)
(20,063 posts)
(17,605 posts)magicarpet
(17,770 posts).... it hides and masks the bitter, sòur, and rancid taste of the rich. Lots of garlic helps too.
(18,193 posts)We'll be rolling out "Trump l'Orange" to add a tropical twist with orange juice, oregano, garlic, and powdered palmetto bugs - and "Musk Melon" which adds a hint of honey, lemon, mint, and Jet B Avgas.
For best results, trim closely. These cuts contain a lot of fat.
(Check our weekly specials on pitchforks and torches, and ask about our tumbrel rentals!)
(17,605 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)they should see reality for what it really is. There are more of us than them.
Bread and Circuses
(597 posts)Taking life, all life is counter to my ethics. The suspect seems to have medical problems.
No one is celebrating the murder. We do mourn the many people who are in pain today or have their lives ended early due to greed by corporations and oligarchs. We each make a choice in our life regarding how we make a living.
The CEO made a choice, soaring profits and claims being denied to pad dividends and bonuses is an indication that he chose money. Period, thats his life summed up.
(6,645 posts)Whether or not that is moral, good or bad, or acceptable to some is irrelevant.
So many people have had lives DESTROYED by the so-called "Health" insurance industry.
They have every right to celebrate some push back against the oligarchs who are hell bent on destroying society in the name of MONEY.
(7,400 posts)We are not celebrating the action this person took.
We are celebrating that he took action. And, got a result. Which is way more than some of us have gotten. (My favorite comment from the first article about the investigation: "Oh, so the NYPD does know how to investigate a murder!" )
I wish someone did not have to die to make the point, but here we are. You want this to stop? Remove profit from healthcare or offer a public option that has a sliding scale.
Otherwise, get ready. This is far from over.
(4,128 posts)Obviously murder is wrong but so is war and we had to fight the confederates and later the Nazis. I'm glad this is focusing attention to how we pay the most for the worst health outcomes. Among the many American shortcomings like student debt this health insurance is the worst of our faults. Alldue to the Dixiecrat opposition to minorities getting the same care back when the whole world went public healthcare or at least single payer like Canada.
(1,826 posts)I want no part of that crap. If convicted, Mangione should spend a very long time in prison.
You don't solve problems by killing people. Count me out of this insane grave dancing by people on social media.
(54,518 posts)by killing people. People ARE using black humor, which is a way to deal with difficulties. Or they are expressing feelings caused by their own hardships.
2)Talking about a killing is not the same as killing people. Morality is in the actions we take. And no one here is killing anyone.
And I'll add: we try way too hard to look harmless to the right. A little anxiety on their part will do us all good.
Response to Scrivener7 (Reply #58)
jfz9580m This message was self-deleted by its author.
(65,744 posts)We come across as judgmental, and people don't like it. It's something the Republicans have weaponized against us - this sense that Democrats think we're better than others. It hurts us in elections.
We run around criticizing one another and Republicans just laugh at us, while marching to the polls to elect more Republicans.
We need to shake off this purity thing.
(54,518 posts)it, so we should be having a PR strategy that hangs that around THEIR necks.
(8,982 posts)Seems that both are sick to death of health care insurance companies.
(15,320 posts)Now we need to realize that assassination is perhaps not the best strategy to wage class war.
(70,768 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,967 posts)congressionally BOUGHT !
(13,020 posts)member victimized by a health insurer. It's a universally loathed industry.
(5,354 posts)They were just as clueless and they had more reason not to understand what was going on below them. But the inability to comprehend or even attempt to comprehend is similar. These people really live in a different world.
(20,063 posts)
(174 posts)Thank you. From the day this CEO was shot, that was my first thought. We are taught the French Revolution was a great event that brought democracy to France. Did all these people think it was bloodless? Have they ever heard of the guillotine? Or the expression "heads will roll"? The French rose up against oppression (as did the Bolsheviks, the Romanians, the Filipinos etc) None of these uprisings were bloodless and frankly I don't see a huge difference between those movements against oppression and this one. All these movements begin with individual acts.
(5,079 posts)started advocating for themselves against the way we're being robbed! And healthcare is an excellent place to start; it touches everyone. I'd like to see us be able to call for a general strike and have everyone strike for at least one day. We could kill one whole day's worth of profits, if not more. But they keep us too poor and downtrodden to have enough self-esteem to stand up for ourselves.
LT Barclay
(2,849 posts)Im still advocating for rolling boycotts. Pick a company and bring it to its knees.
(281,700 posts)That is all
(2,475 posts)

Silent Type
(8,633 posts)paleotn
(20,063 posts)Smart thing to do was keep your damn mouth shut, but oh no. The hubris of these people. Just remember, this nation is just as awash with firearms as it was before Thompson was shot. Not advocating anything, so no pearl clutching please. Just merely commenting on the shape of the landscape. And the fact that Witty and his cohorts might want to take heed.
Silent Type
(8,633 posts)Conjuay
(2,300 posts)Where is Congress?
Any other questions?
Wants to force us all onto Medicare 'Advantage' with a payroll deduction paid directly to one of these companies. Oz owns 550k worth of United Healthcare stock.
Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)OMGWTF
(4,595 posts)Aaah!
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is, brother, you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be
You say you'll change the Constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You'd better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know know it's gonna be
Alright, (alright)
Alright, (alright)
Alright, (alright)
Alright, (alright)
Alright, (alright)
Songwriters: Paul Mccartney, John Lennon
(39,206 posts)I'm up for it.
(8,251 posts)My word of choice would be "apathetic." No one who did not know him personally seems to have any fucks to give.
Those of us who mourn people he murdered would only be gleeful if they could go back in time and get those loved ones lives saved, and killing an executive won't do that.
The Unmitigated Gall
(4,710 posts)OK, Witty let's see where this all goes.
(11,694 posts)"Let them eat brioche". But just as clueless, so whatever. It's time.
(1,880 posts)Trust_Reality
(2,095 posts)A management professor I heard speak in approximately 1970 suggested that a great place to make money was in the world of medicine because it is a gotcha area - when people need it they need it. I would bet big money he was a Republican. I would bet big money he was a Mormon. Oh, but no doubt he was speaking truthfully.
(23,104 posts)This is one of the many reasons to choose Medicare Part B over an "advantage" plan.
Medicare does not turn a profit
Medicare is not administered by an insurance company
Medicare has the lowest cost per claim in the industry
Medicare has the lowest error ratios in the industry
Medicare has the fastest claim turnaround in the industry
Medicare has no networks. Coverage is the same anywhere in the USA
Medicare was intended to be the prototype for a National Health plan
If enough people choose Part B maybe we can slow down this effort to privatize Medicare
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)If it will be better, but I switched from UHC to Humana. I hope it will be better. Any opinions on this. It did look better on paper. My husband just had a skin cancer removed and they took pretty good care of him.
(57,419 posts)I get my dental work done in the USA, so they couldnt pull the usual evasive BS that United and Blue Cross pull when denying bills from Germany (pretty much 100% denial rate).
Humana was denying 100% of my dental bills until our HR people sent them a reminder that we are no longer an outfit with 150 employees, but rather one with nearly a thousand. Suddenly, Humana started reimbursing me for as much as 15% of my dental bills. I guess I am supposed to consider this progress?
We only had to pay like $45 dollars total for it, were in network though. Neither of us have a regular doctor. I dont have a particular preference as long as they do the job right. When they start prescribing pills on pills I start to argue, because they honestly dont seem to even look at the side affects of what they are prescribing. When you start multiplying those affects with the possible affects of other prescriptions you may be taking, it can just be downright dangerous.
Dental wise, I just had to pay out over $7000 for some bone grafts in my gums and the removal of three teeth. Now I must get a custom partial made within the next few months. The actual implant would be more than $5000, which I simply cant afford. I may be able to get Humana to cover part of the partial. Its rough when you get old.
We had health insurance when we worked, but couldnt take time off to use it. Now we are retired and can, but it isnt as good.
(162,413 posts)we're doing our best to work in a rotten system!
(22,913 posts)oh that's right... the NYT "op-eds" are only for pushing right wing bullshit.
(1,826 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 15, 2024, 10:52 AM - Edit history (1)
WTF is WRONG with people who condone murder?
(2,300 posts)Me? I'll be kicking around in the dirt.
Response to valleyrogue (Reply #54)
Post removed
Mr. Evil
(3,181 posts)The predominate way they acquire money is to deny coverage to millions of people over the years. They even have meetings and conferences celebrating their dubious 'earnings' as a great success story. It's nothing but a facade. Because beneath it all are the countless thousands every year that end up suffering miserably, usually eventually dying prematurely so the health insurance companies can gloat. They literally sentence people to death so they can take in more and more money.
I don't care what anyone says. They are anathema to everything that is decent, humane and beneficial to society. They don't give a diddly damn if dozens of people are shot at some event or if multiple children are shot dead while attending school. Why should I give two shits if one of those ghouls takes a bullet... or two... or even three? May they get everything they deserve. And it sure as hell isn't more money!
(25,577 posts)Paladin
(29,692 posts)spooky3
(37,137 posts)Salary depends on his not understanding it.
(85,367 posts)I may be using it first in the new year.
(34 posts)I'd be happy to see some oligarchs go down. These parasites are sucking the lifeblood out of our country.
turning into gun humping paranoid psychos is NOT good advice
(701 posts)RainCaster
(12,284 posts)Of course that a-hole will write off that expense as a legit cost of doing business. Which begs the question: is violence a legit business response?
(11,259 posts)Navy Seals, Delta Force, and Green Berets to be resigning and going into the extreme overnight executives protection/security business for ten times the pay they were making in the military......Because it is a business expense, we Tax Payers will indirectly be paying for it.............
(2,125 posts)our normsone being the NYTit is perfectly demonstrated by their decision to turn off comments.
This is a new low for the NYT.
The poorly misunderstood UHC:
In roughly 600 words, he also attempted to deflect his insurance networks responsibility in the growing inequity in Americas health care system, vaguely pointing to a patchwork of failures decades in the making while swearing that his corporate networkwhich reported $22 billion in profits in 2023 alone, nearly three times the figure reported by CVS, the second-most-profitable health insurance company that yearwas consistently fighting to deliver high-quality care and lower costs.
(134 posts)in other words $22 billion reasons to deny care in 2023 alone
Noel Kums
(90 posts)yardwork
(65,744 posts)While denying care to millions of people.
(11,750 posts)Or about 6% return, not a very high profit margin
(65,744 posts)What service is UHC providing for the billions in government contracts they're getting? If the U.S. wants to capitate Medicare, why not do it directly through CMS?
Response to yardwork (Reply #69)
jfz9580m This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to CatWoman (Original post)
jfz9580m This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,125 posts)@moetkacik
is having none of it.
We've looked at several whistleblower lawsuits against UnitedHealth. A quid pro quo has emerged: bonuses for doctors in exchange for steering to UHC insurance plan
Link to tweet
(25,124 posts)misinformation. Health insurance companies are going to have to change their priorities or have them changed by the government. The longer they take, the worse it is going to get for these criminal enterprises.
Old Crank
(5,366 posts)Then charge them with murder. Most red states are likely to be death penalty states.
(6,866 posts)shouldn't be run as a private company.
Way too likely to become profit focussed, and not performance oriented.
This is why health services and health insurance are not run by private companies in other countries.
CEOs of health companies are so deep down their own rabbit holes they can't hear what they are saying whenever they pronounce anything in public.
Shitty_Witty says . . . look at our profits and CEO pay checks. We must be doing a good job!
(28,713 posts)I noticed quite a few responses, mainly those that mentioned the games the company plays with claims, were removed. I suspect UHG stooges have been going thru them flagging ones they find "offensive".
(18,936 posts)I think Id endeavor to be a little more conciliatory so I dont end up just like him.
H2O Man
(76,275 posts)DontBelieveEastisEas
(1,211 posts)The companies and the CEOs are only doing what companies and CEO's are expected to do.
Whatever caused the system to use companies and CEOs is what needs to be condemned.
Whatever is causing the system to continue using companies and CEOs is what needs to be addressed.
The anger, IMO, is being misdirected.